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SHE STEPPED in the shower trying to avoid her reflection in the mirror opposite her, she didn't want to see it

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SHE STEPPED in the shower trying to avoid her reflection in the mirror opposite her, she didn't want to see it. She watched dried blood run off her body and swirl down the sink, she put her head back and closed her eyes, trying to forget everything just for a moment.

The scolding water burned her face as she leaned closer into the shower head but she found it strangely comforting.She let out a sigh realising how exhausted she was and leaned onto the wall, the sound of the water blocking everything else out, she slowly sunk down into the bathtub and put her head up, letting the water spray her face.

All she wanted to do was live a normal life, she often thought to herself, if one thing was done differently, would she still be sat here just trying to survive every day? or would she be happy?, maybe have a couple kids, she always wanted to write, tell people what she was thinking,tell her story and hope people would listen.If one thing was done differently would her mom still be alive? Would her brother still be here? who knows but that simply wasn't in the cards for her, the universe decided that this was her life and she had to live it.

She embraced the water for one final minute before slowly climbing out and wrapping a towel round her wondering what to do now its not like she could just leave or go to sleep because she wasn't entirely welcome there, she was only there to help Five and she was fine with that, she was only there to follow her dads final wishes.

She stared at herself in the mirror with a blank expression , not being able to avoid it anymore, she didn't see herself ,not just because she looked younger she didn't recognise herself at all, all she saw was a monster, a killer, a killer that was created by the commission.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the bathroom door, making her jump
"i have clothes for you open the door" he said in a monotone voice

she rolled her eyes at his tone but opened the door regardless, she muttered a quiet thanks and shut the door.

He had given her a plain black t-shirt that was a size xxl  "how big does he think i am? must be Luthers" she muttered to herself

and some shorts that had an 'A' stitched into the back of them "Allison"


They arrived at the lab the next morning, Five clutched the eye in his hand and glared at the poor man that came into the building

"uh, can i help you two?" he asked confused why two teens would want to be in a lab this early in the morning

Five walked towards the man, Athena following "i need to know who this belongs to" she showed to man the eye

"where did you get that" he questioned

"Why do you care?" Five grumbled

Athena elbowed him in the stomach and sent him a glare, acting like an idiot would get them nowhere right now