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Klaus and Allison had been reunited and were catching up by the pool of Klaus and Athena's mansion "oh...you know, dicks, drugs, debutantes.Athena. My holy trinity" Allison laughed "but,yeah its been a wild run" he sat back on his pink floaty

"Klaus, you two started a cult" Allison nodded with a grin on her face

"Cult is a very negative word, Allison we prefer to call it an alternative spiritual community"

"Mmm..nope you both definitely started a cult, speaking of her, how is Athena?"

"You know, after being with her for two and a half years me and her have gotten pretty close if i do say so myself, but i haven't seen her in a few days the idiot got arrested" Klaus laughed "i'm sure she'll show up in the news at some point"


"All right all right all right enough about me.What about you?what have you been up to?"

"Well im living in south Dallas, working as a civil rights organiser"


"..with my husband"

Klaus gasped "your married" he whispered

"Yeah" she chuckled "who is this lunatic?"

Allison laughed "his name is raymond chestnut, Ray"


The three sat in silence in a small diner as a woman poured them coffee "leave the pot, dear" Five sassed "thankyou"

"Lippy little shit" the waitress said as she walked of, making Athena snicker

"You gonna tell me what the hells going on?" Vanya turned to the two

Five explained to Vanya about their childhood and the tragedies of the 2019 apocalypse "we jumped into a vortex and ended up being scattered throughout the timeline in Dallas, Texas"

"Any questions" Athena smiled at the woman

"What do you mean the apocalypse?" Vanya asked

"I mean the end of the world as we know it"

"Yea, but how?"

Five stared at the woman "you really don't remember anything?"

"Nothing before a month ago"

"I landed in, like a..back alley got hit by a car. My head was ringing like crazy i had no idea how i got there, where i came from. What causes the apocalypse?"

Athena nudged Fives shoulder "tell her" she whispered. He nudged her back and sent her an apologetic look over his shoulder "Asteroid impact, The big kaboom ends everything just like the one that got the dinosaurs, except way worse"

"The bad news is, it followed us here" Athena said sadly

"What do you mean followed us?"

"Eight days from now the world ends in a nuclear doomsday" Five explained "its a different disease, but..same result"

Vanya stared at the two, a nervous grin flickering on her face "that can't be right"

"I saw it, with my own eyes" Five eyes fell "you were there, we all were" Athena softly grabbed Fives hand and squeezed it twice,reassuring him

Five grabbed her hand and squeezed back "shit" Vanya stood up "i need to make a phone call" she ran to a nearby phone on the wall

"Vanya" Five went to stand up but Athena pulled him back

"Just give her a second, sit back down" she said softly

He hesitated but sat back down "she took that better than expected" she nudged the boy "if that was me id of lit your ass on fire"

"Well lets just be thankful you still have your memory"

"Yea, Five?"


"I'm really glad i didn't shoot you" she put her hand on her heart

Five scoffed and smirked at the girl "yeah, me too Thene" He stood up and walked over to Vanya, shutting of her phone call

"What the hell?" Vanya seethed

"We don't have time for this"

"Thats my friend you just hung up on"

Five grabbed Vanya's shoulder "listen to me those people from the field are coming after us they are never going to stop do you understand me? We need to stick together, find the others, figure out how to stop doomsday whoever this person is,they cant be more important than the end of the world we need to go" Vanya reluctantly put the phone down and followed the pair

"Can i drive?" She nudged Five on the way out

"Can you drive?" he shot back

"Yea yea it will be fine, Vanya keys?" waved his question off taking the keys from Vanya "i promise you good sir it will be like driving on a cloud" she smiled getting in the car

Vanya looked at Five "and she's your?-"

"Friend, for some reason" he sighed getting in the passenger side "i'm having second thoughts on letting you drive-"

She put her foot down on the accelerator "you got your seatbelt on?" she giggled almost driving into a streetlamp

When they arrived Five launched himself out of the car, fixing his messy hair and opening Athena's door, she smirked and looked him up and down "what a gentleman"

"You are never driving again" he grumbled

"Yea right"

They walked into the underground boxing ring they knew Luther worked at and pushed themselves to the front to get a better look at Luther. They soon noticed that despite his size Luther was being beat by a man in suspenders "look, hes pummeling him" Vanya pointed out

"Oh, my god Luther" Five said in concern

"Why isn't he fighting back" Vanya added on

"Come on you big buffoon, fight back" Athena shook her head "i can't have this Five" she murmured to him "i need to help him" she went to jump over the barrier but he stopped her

"I think you forget how small you are sometimes, that guy will crush you"

"But Luther-"

"No" Five said

He started to scream at the man, asking him to hit him over and over again "Luther are you crazy? Just hit him!" Five yelled

"I need to get in there Five look at the poor guy" She said as the man was punched in the face to hard, it lifted him in the air and knocked in his feet, sending him flying the room went quiet for a second before overlapping booing sounds erupted from the crowd

"Shit" Five stared at his now unconscious brother