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AFTER THAT NIGHT, the pair had many other interactions

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AFTER THAT NIGHT, the pair had many other interactions

It was always the same thing, Athena would leave one of her hotels, walk into an empty alleyway and wait .She liked to make it easy for him, because she knew he liked a challenge. She would stand there for a good two minutes before hearing footsteps creep towards her and a gun cock.She would smirk to herself muttering about how long it took for him to get there before turning around to face him

They would do the regular, shooting, punching- normal things fights include

But they weren't trying to kill each other, they were simply..competing, the two were very stubborn and didn't want to be the first to give in but as we all know by now, Athena doesn't lose

He scanned the aisles, enjoying the moment of peace and quiet since it didn't seem like there was anyone else in the store. His pace slowed as he heard the sound of soft muffled music and quiet humming, the familiar voice sending shivers down his spine. He really couldn't escape her could he?

The two stood opposite ends of the aisle, staring at each other

Athena moved one side of her headphones to the side "just can't get enough of me can you Hargreeves?" she smirked

"I wasn't-" he let out a frustrated sigh "what are you doing here" he put his hand out

"I'm doing what any other normal person would do..shopping" she shook the boxes of cereal in her hands

"And do you intend to pay for those items?"

"C'mon you know me well enough, do I look like I intend to pay?" she rolled her eyes

There was a second of silence

"Tell me Five, changed your mind yet? Or are you still The Handlers little bitch?"she stepped towards him

"i am no ones bitch" he hissed stepping towards her

"hmm" she widened her eyes "debateable"

The two stared each other down before Athena tried to sprint passed him, her two cereal boxes in her arms

He grabbed her shoulders pulling her against him and pushing a knife up to her throat "oh come on dont try to run, you should know how things work by now" he said in a husky voice

She let out a chuckle and threw her head back feeling the knife press against her neck  "You think this is funny?" He inhaled sharply


"What?" he gritted through his teeth

She elbowed him in the stomach and struggled out of his grip, he punched her in the face sending her a few paces back

She growled at him, dropping her cereal and running at him, pinning him to the floor


She was cut off by the sound of an mobility scooter coming towards them at a slow speed, both of them let go of each other and looked up to see an old woman doing her weekly shopping