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Five pulled along his buggy filled with the necessary items he decided he needed to survive the apocalypse: a disintegrating umbrella, Dolores, food scraps, water and the ash he couldn't seem to escape from

Five himself was unrecognisable, not only from the dirt and ash covering his once baby face but the layers of clothing he was wearing to try and avoid any ash or fire that surrounded everything The only thing you could see were his distinctive emerald eyes

When winter hit, things got harder it was harder to find food harder to walk through the snow harder to stay warm, harder to live

When Five was spending his last years in the apocalypse, new life started to emerge weeds started to poke through the dry paths and trees slowly got bigger and sprouted green leaves and for the first time in years, Five felt hope not for himself but for the world

He had made a home for himself and Dolores in an old destroyed library it was the best he could get

"Do you remember that uh little mansion just outside the city limits? Where we" he wheezed "well it turns out the wine cellar was untouched picked up a few cases of your favourite bordeaux" he chugged his drink "you know thats an exaggeration i don't drink to much, you know i work hard all day i- why would you even say that"

There was a sudden sound of rubble falling, Five grabbed his gun and shot up pointing it in the direction to see a nicely dressed woman in sunglasses and a short silver haircut she waved her hand at him, a big smile stuck to her face.Five blinked wondering if it was one of his hallucinations He had been having but as she started speaking he realised it was not


Five, who was now awake sat talking to Luther about the upcoming apocalypse, they tried to keep their voices low to not disturb the girl, still passed out on the bed

"When is it supposed to happen this...apocalypse" luther asked

"I cant give you the exact hour but..from what i can gather we have four days left"

"Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"It wouldn't of mattered"

"Of course it would we could of banded together and helped you try to stop this thing"

"For the record you already tried"

"What do you mean?"

"I found all of you, even Athena your bodies"

"We die?"

Five remembered their bodies laid helplessly in the rubble, each one of their faces stone cold "Horribly" he swallowed sharply "you were together trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world"

"Wait, how do you know that?" Luther asked

Five reached into his pocket and pulled out the glass eye from earlier "this was clutched in your dead hand when i found you" he tossed it to Luther "must of ripped it out of their head right before you went down"

"Whose head?"

"Like i said, we don't know"

"Well theres a serial number on the back, think maybe you could try-"

Five cut him off "thats a dead end, its just another hunk of glass" Luther passed him the eye back

Diego kicked the door open, startling poor Athena making her shoot up and grab Fives shoulders

"Piece of shit" Diego spat

"Do you have any idea what you just did?"  He stormed towards the pair

Luther knew his brother well enough to know when to stop his angry behaviour, he grabbed him tossing him in the air like he weighed nothing