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THE TWO SAT IN SILENCE in the car while it hammered down with rain, she looked over to Allison who had this heart broken look in her eye

"Are you okay?" she said with an confused expression

She blinked and wiped her eyes "yeah yeah im fine"

Athena rolled her eyes, crossing her arms "come on, nobody who does that is fine" there was silence again "anyway if your eyes well up with tears your going to crash and were both going to die so" her tone turned more sincere "are you going to talk about it?"

Allison didn't look at the girl "what makes you think i want to talk about it" she snapped "you don't care anyway"

"Your right i don't" she saw Allison's eyes flash with hurt "but if there's one thing i know is that bad thoughts and memories only distract you and slow you down so its better to do something about it and" she made a gesture with her hands "get rid of them"

"I've never seen you talk about your bad thoughts,only the apocalypse" she objected

"i should start taking my own advice hm?"

"Easier said than done"

The silence in the car was more bearable now or at least it was for Athena "My daughter" she started


"My daughter Claire i was reading her a story and she wouldn't sleep and i just, i don't know why i rumoured her and my husband saw" her voice cracked "and filed for a divorce...he got custody. It was..it was like someone ripped me apart Claire is my whole life, a better version of myself and she was taken away from me all because of my stupid power that ive used to my advantage my whole life" a tear rolled down Allisons face

"Allison..my sweet sweet girl" she began "do you want a word of advice?" her eyes turning more evil "turn the pain into power" she nodded at the woman "you cant do anything about that right now..might as well power through it right?" she tilted her head

Allison took a deep breath and pressed her foot harder on the accelerator, speeding up the car "thats it" she smirked

She looked around, they were back at the academy "wait i thought we were going to find Harold what happened to that huh?"

"Im going to...see my daughter, your staying in the academy"

"Allison do you think im dumb? are you dumb? I don't believe that Why on earth- what are you wait no Allison!" She yelped as Allison opened her door and dragged Athena out of the car

She tried to burn the woman with her hands but she was too tired to concentrate "Its too dangerous just let me come with you no - no!" She wriggled around

"Its for your own good, go and sleep ill be back soon" she shoved her in the door

"But-" the door slammed "shit" she looked towards the stairs she could walk to Fives room or, she looked towards to couch she could sleep there.She shrugged and stumbled towards the coach, instantly being knocked out


The next morning she woke up to Klaus standing over her with a noisy and unnecessary bell in his hand "hello! Rise and shine my little bird its time to leave the nest" he grinned shaking the bell in her ear

She grabbed the closest pillow and threw it at him "Klaus shut it before i rip your vocal cords out" she grumbled

"Oh little one your threats don't work on me anyway" he grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet "do you wanna help me wake up Luther i think he had a little friend round last night" he giggled, putting his hand around his mouth