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OUT OF PURE fear Athena shook Fives shoulders repeating his name and talking to him to try and keep the boy conscious

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OUT OF PURE fear Athena shook Fives shoulders repeating his name and talking to him to try and keep the boy conscious

"Look how the tables have turned you idiot, i bet you planned this getting me back for earlier thats something you would do" she saw his eyes stop fluttering and panicked, she grabbed his face, hitting it slightly "hey hey no stay awake"

"Shouldn't we take him to a hopsita-" Allison suggested but was cut off

"No, a kid with a shrapnel might raise some questions, take me back to the academy" Five tried to keep his eyes open

"a shrapnel? The Handler shot you and you haven't said anything about it till now? Are you kidding me you dragged me up the stairs and forced me to get a shower all while you were shot?" She exclaimed "you are such an idiot"

"What can i say? I'm selfless" He boasted, even when he was almost dead he still found a way to annoy her

"Jesus, your lucky your half dead right now other wise i woulda kicked your ass" she shook her head "your going to be okay" she whispered "of course you are your the worlds best assassin right? Other than me of course, act like it"

When they arrived at the academy which seemed an awful lot longer than usual Allison opened the backseat door letting Five and Athena get out

"We should of gone to the hospital" Allison crossed her arms

"I know, we'd never hear the end of it, his stubborn ass always being dramatic. I can stitch him up. I'm trained believe it or not" She set Five on the couch as he groaned in pain and tried to touch the wound, she battered his hand away "hey! No touching"

"He's losing too much blood what do we do?"

"We gotta get the shrapnel out" Deigo commanded

Athena lifted up Fives shirt, her hands stained with his blood. The wound exploded with blood, She started to feel nauseous and dizzy, not because of the blood, no her hands were stained with years worth of blood, but because of a flash back she had in her head, she pictured Theo layed defenselessly on the bathroom floor and Athena trying to put pressure on the wound, she had been covered in blood plenty of times but this was different this hurt, it stung her hands like acid she had never felt that before, she had that feeling seeing Five, the man who spoke like he knew everything and nothing could hurt him, the man who sneers at her childish actions and tells her to grow up in front of her bleeding out like the rest of the people she cared about

She couldn't let that happen not again, she wouldnt bury another friend

She blinked frantically trying to cover the wound and put pressure on it, Diego rushed in with Grace "she's going to help him okay?" Diego grabbed her bloody hands and looked her in her panicked eyes. She looked up at Grace who was smiling back at her, she hesitantly left the room, letting grace take him away, an uneasy feeling in her stomach