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"HOME SWEET HOME" Klaus exclaimed walking into the very small room that smelt like weed and dirty dishes "it's not the most luxurious thing ever but you know it's good enough right?"

"It's better than the streets that's for sure" she said sitting down on the "couch" by a small tv in the corner

"its not mine its my friend-Owch, now that we're in the light I can really see all your..injuries. I think I have one or two band aids around here somewhere. You go uh wash up there's a bathroom in the corner" He waved his arm towards a door

She stood up, walking into the small room; staring at herself in the mirror with a dead expression , it's not like this was a new thing she knew she was no longer herself the day of her first kill, it had been a long time since than

She crumbled to the floor, feeling incredibly nauseous. she covered her mouth and let out a silent sob, instantly forcing herself to stand up and telling herself not to cry. His name kept repeating inside her head "Theo Theo Theo Theo '' she was in complete shock, the person who had protected her most in life was gone, She had lost many people in her life, her family, her few coworkers she had become fond of when she first arrived at the commission and Theo had help her grieve but now she was grieving him and that was a whole different story

Her head was spinning around and around, she couldn't live without him, she had screwed up so many times and every time Theo had helped her, Athena was a very independent Theo had always said a little too independent, she always said that she would be fine on her own but now that she was really alone, with no one to help her she was stuck, and doubting herself

She knew one thing she needed to do, track down this "Five" guy and make sure he left the commission. She could have stayed at the commission and waited for him there but it was a little late now that she was the most wanted assassin in the space time continuum. but she would find a way, she always did, she needed him to go to 2019 but at that moment in time it was 2016, she had time.she hoped

Another thing she had promised to herself a long long time ago was that she would kill the bastards responsible for the death of her family, Theo said that the commision had taken them down years ago, straight after she had arrived and forbade her from going after them but, as much as she trusted Theo she didn't believe that; she had one of the men's names and she hoped before she killed him, he would confess the others

"Ay! i found some stuff" Klaus sang

"Yea- yea coming one second" she called

She came out of the bathroom and sat next to Klaus "so, what's your name?" he asked dabbing her face with a towel

"Sierra ,yours?" sierra was Athena's fake name Theo and her had come up with when she first arrived at the commission

"Well my lovely little house guest, my name is Klaus, do you wanna tell me how you got all these? I don't think it would of been from falling of the monkey bars so don't even try it" he raised his eyebrows

"It's a long story, i mean very long like 'the cure for insomnia' type long" she said closing her eyes

"What- what is that a reference from something?" Klaus asked cluelessly

"It's the longest movie ever made" she smirked slightly

"Ah so very long, well that's fine we have all the time in the world" he reassured the girl putting a band aid on her cheek very delicately

She bit her other cheek knowing that that wasn't true

She fell silent, Klaus noticed the heartbroken expression on her face and quickly scanned his brain for a distraction "or..i can tell you my story and maybe then you will be more comfortable, but i am warning you mine isn't very happy either"


"Okay so quick run down october 1st 1989, these women all around the world gave birth, normal right? Wrong.the woman, get this were never preggo in the first place so after we were all born, this mean old man Reginald Hargreeves" he put on a posh voice

" went to try and adopt some of these miracle babies that spoiler alert ended up having superpowers" Klaus fiddled with his hands

"He got 7. Oh yea! And to make it even more messed up he didn't even name us he called us by numbers- like we- we were some type of test subjects anyway, there was Luther number one he has super strength,two Deigo he can do weird shit with knifes, 3 Allison she can make anyone do anything by saying i heard a rumour, four me! I can see ghosts which is definitely more of a curse than superpower but what can i do about it, there's number 5, he's just number 5 and he can do this weird teleportation thing i never understood"

She looked up at him with wide eyes "number five?"

"Yea he was too stubborn to pick a name, five suited him though oddly enough " he chuckled before carrying on with his story

"Number 6 Ben he can summon octopus-like arms from his body, but something happened when we were younger and he didn't make it and, if you recall, I can see ghosts so guess who's stuck with me for the rest of eternity?"


"Bingo Number 7, Vanya she didn't have any powers and was kinda always treated like the black sheep in her own home which very sad indeed, not like the academy was a home anyway, it was just a house filled with scared, used unhappy children" his eyes reached hers

"Everyday we trained, everyday we all tried to impress an old grouchy man that was incapable of giving love, he trained us until be broke down in a pool of our own sweat, tears and blood, and then told us to stand back up and do it all over again, of course, after our first mission we had quite a lot of attention from the media, i mean we were superhero kids, of course people are going to be interested, they made our life look magical when let me tell you, it was very far from it, and than when we were thirteen, Five decided he was too bored of just spacial jumping and he wanted to time travel, which i guess he could do, but of course are dear Father wouldn't allow this and Five ran away, no one ever saw him ever again, who knows what he's up to"

Athena's ears perked up again, Five Hargreeves that's her guy,and well and behold she was sat with his brother

"Yea and then some more time went on, it felt way too...nice without Five insulting someone or giving someone attitude, we were about 15,16? When Ben died but lucky me i still get to see the old git he's sat right over there" he pointed next to him

Athena waved at the empty space, but she felt something like there was a presence close to them

"And then after that The Umbrella Academy that everyone loved so much was shutdown, now missing 2 members, we were still trained the same, ridiculed for our emotions dad would always talk about training to save the world, but i think that was just to scare us, and what do you know it worked- i still get nightmares to this day" he gave her a sad chuckle, attempting to keep the mood happy but his eyes fell

She gave him a reassuring look, remembering what Theo always said about comforting people gently, even though she liked her own space, hesitantly she patted his shoulder, receiving a strange look from the man "sorry- i'm not too good at comforting"

he let out a small but hearty laugh, making them both feel better "definitely like my brother." he muttered before carrying on with his story.

"than, like all kids do we all left home, we were free but we all still carried the trama last i checked Luther was sent to the moon, Allison's this big time movie star, Diego is training for the police force, me and him sorda kept in touch..he lets me crash with him when i can't afford rent, i'm obviously here, doing..whatever i am- keeping the ghosties at bay with a few pills all that jazz, Five is who knows, Bens here and Vanya wrote a book! Which is fun, but it's about us and the academy which isn't that fun"

"I miss my family, I think in another universe we would have had a nice loving family and grown up to be healthy and successful and maybe we wouldn't be so..weird?" He concluded with a sigh

She felt uncomfortably comfortable, like they had known each other for centuries, she felt like she could tell him everything and more and he would dismiss every horrible thing she had done   

"So..Sierra you hungry?"