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"I feel like frankenstein" she giggled weirily as Five dealt with her shoulder while she layed on the bar for everyone to see

"Here drink some more of this" Lila held her chin and poured alcohol down her throat to shut her up "all of it..good"

she laid  her head back on the table, blocking out the others conversation which didn't exactly last long the burning sensation in her abdomen not exactly helping her sleep

She opened her eyes, trying to listen to them
to not be kept out of the loop, trying to make herself look more alive and  looking less like she was on the brink of death, again

"We should have given them Harlen" Luther shrugged

"What about Harlan?"

"The sparrows said if we turned him over, we could end the fighting, and then work together to save the world" Luther explained
She scoffed softly, her voice raspy "well then let's hand him over, simple"

"but if we didn't-" he was interrupted once again this time by viktor, trying to convince his siblings not to trust to sparrows, hoping they would comply so Harlan wouldn't be in any trouble

"But don't we need the big bad glow-y thing in their basement?" Klaus drowsy said

Everyone slowly turned to face him "Klaus..is this bad glowy thing the Kugulblitz?" she said leaning in slightly

They glanced at each other for a second "Klaus, do you know where the Kugelblitz is?" he asked in concern

"Oh yea i saw it!" He gasped dramatically "when i went to visit dad, its in the old storage room where mom used to keep all her luggage"

"Why didn't you tell anyone!"
"I did i told you!"
"You say stupid shit all the time!"

Fives eyes widened, angry at himself for not thinking this in the first place "of course it appeared in the same place that we did"

Klaus and Diego continued to argue while everyone stared at them waiting for them to shut up so they could carry on with the situation, Viktor sighed getting off his seat and walking away soon followed by Luther

"Where are they going?" she muttered watching them walk away

They walked after them "stop covering for him" Luther said to Viktor
"Covering what?" Five stood next to Viktor "whats going on?"

Viktor looked around, knowing he had to tell them "he didn't mean to hurt anyone"
"Really? You mean when he did this?" Luther angrily pointed to Viktors cheek
"Wait harlan did that?"
"Thats it im gonna end him"

Viktor waved it off "look, i know how it looks, but Haran didn't ask for this if we hadn't gone back in 1963 if i hadn't have saved him–"

"He killed jayme and Alphonso not you, hes the reason were in this mess and hes out only way out of it"

It was true if they wanted to get out of there alive giving harlan to the sparrows was one of their only options, they needed access to the Kugelblitz "theres only four of them left we can just overpower them" Viktor argued

"What, and risk losing some of us in the process?" she said shaking her head
"Harlan is insignificant"

"You once told me that no one is insignificant" he went quiet, glass tears shined in his eye "they'll kill him"

The room went silent for a second "uh so? We are talking about one person versus saving billions of lives here" Lila said "i mean is this really a debate for you people?"

"Hey, little britain? You don't get a vote"
"Lila lives in this universe too" Klaus objected "besides shes family now kinda sorta"
"Mm thanks kitten"

"I dont give a shit about the sparrows, but im not gonna let scary ass grandpa finish you off" Diego raised his voice
"Five days ago he was just a little kid and what? Now im supposed to just decide whether he lives or dies?"

"Viktor were down to ethical triage here, all right? We cant save everyone the kindest cut wins"

Luther stepped forward "you always wanted to be on the team, this is what it is. Saving the world means making hard calls"

"I hate this"
"Yeah i know" he stared down at him "ill go get him" he slowly walked towards the stairs
"Wait no, let me do it, he trusts me i can convince him to come quietly" Viktor walked away