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They stared at the Kugelblitz "okay, how do we start?"
Sloane walked around the ball "have you ever moved a nest of bees?" she said softly
No, because that's weird"

She ignored the comment and continued "you have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it, and than you trap it" she looked around, her hands glowing a pale blue colour and she rose slightly into the air

Viktor and Lila stood at opposite sides their hands by their sides at the ready "one of those black holes inside is vibrating at a different rate" fei explained
"I can feel them"
"Whatever happens don't let them speed up or change or everything will blow"

"Don't shake the bees.got it" Viktors eyes and body also shined a pale blue, a circle of energy began to spread around the Kugelblitz "lila when your ready do exactly like Viktor"

She watched the four surround the kugelblitz plus christopher , swallowing back her anxiety as Lila created the same energy over the Kugelblitz

She took a step back accidentally bumping into Luther "sorry.." she whispered her eyes fixed on the fire
"Are you okay?" he asked, raising his eyebrow
"I don't know"

Grace walked into the basement "you didn't tell me you were building a prison for God" she said calmly

Everybody turned to the robot "mom?"
"You have no right to do that" her neck twitched

"Were a little busy here, Grace"

Diego walked towards the woman "the day of vengeance was in my heart.."

"What are you talking about?"

She walked into the light, the circuits inside her head visible through her eye "..and my year of redemption hath come"

She held up some kind of fire gun and pulled the trigger, opening fire on them all, fire consuming the room "shit!" Diego leapt to the ground

They all hid beside walls,Five pulled her back but she swept him off running up to the woman, her body being consumed by flames "shit!" she yelped putting her hands on the nozzle making

Hey, mom mom mom " Diego put his hand out "its Diego. Don't make us hurt you"

She stopped and lowered the gun, giving Athena the chance to take away her hands ..and my year of redemption hath come!" she yelled blasting the gun at Diego's face

Five jumped behind her, teleporting her away from the basement and into the living room, putting his hands on the back of her head and mouth "nothing personal" he hesitantly snapped the robots neck, her head twisting around facing five. He grabbed her body as she fell "okay" he muttered, lowering her on the stairs

He watched her sadly as she croaked out muddled words,her voice cloud and became distorted

Back in the basement, with grace gone the five could focus on trapping the Kugelblitz, it was working the big fiery ball and decreased to the size of a basketball

Diego grabbed her hand, flipping it over and studying her palm "i'm good, Diego" she reassured

Ben looked at the girl "how did you do that?"
"I am fire"

They gathered around the kugelblitze, it no longer glowed a fiery orange but now a pale and bright yellow, covered by a blue bubble

Lila and Viktors eyes were white and a light blue glowed from their chest, they strained, pushing the rock into the kugelblitz, christopher returning to normal now, with the Kugelblitz inside of him

Five jumped back into the room "did it work?"

They stared at christopher,waiting "next kugel wave in three,two,one"

Christopher farted, but nothing more than that
She looked around in relief, lightly lowering her grip on fives hand "where did that even come from?" she whispered, afraid that the slightest thing could set it off