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Athena and Five went back into the house to stitch up their wounds "this is happening too often isn't it?" she chuckled putting a band aid on Five

A smile tugged on his lips as he looked up on her "way too much" he replied

He knew what he wanted to say, he just didn't know how, he hesitated to speak, afraid he was going to make a fool of himself which was a very rare thing for Five Hargreeves to think but somehow this girl had brought it out of him "Athena" he finally said

She looked up at him, the needle in her mouth as she stitched her leg up "mhm?" she said, muffled

His eyes meet hers and he looks at her with more sincerity and honesty than she'd ever seen in them before "i don't deserve you and if i'm honest, nobody across space and time does, but god, that doesn't stop me from wanting you"

She blinked in surprise "Im in love with you" he whispered, searching her eyes. He looked very pale and very scared, and a little..hopeful "and i dont know how much time we have left, if this is the end of it and were going to live a peaceful....well that would never happen but you get what i mean" he shook his head realising he got off topic "or if we kick the bucket tomorrow, i cant die knowing i never told you"

Her face twisted into a grin, she snickered, putting her head down as her cheeks heated up, now she really did feel like a kid again

"Im serious" he couldn't help but snicker too "you're my person. If i murdered someone, your the person id call to help me drag the corpse across the living room floor. You're my person" he nudged her gently

"Well" her eyebrows furrowed "what do you want?" she said softly

"I want-" he stopped. Tore his finger through his hair. "Never mind what i want." his voice was quieter, now "what do you want?"

"You. Always you."

She stood up from her chair, running his hands through his hair "te quiero" (i love you)

"te quiero querida, mi corazón es tuyo" he said, huskily (i love you my dear, my heart is yours)

"You learnt spanish?"

"Picked it up from you"

She scoffed with delight and collide their lips together, he grabbed her waist, goosebumps appearing on her skin as he pulled her towards him, she bit his lip gently and laughed at the gasp that escaped his lips, he shook his head, tucking her hair behind her ears

Just as the kiss was getting deeper, she sound of footsteps arrived at the door "bro what is taking you so long?" Diego knocked on the door

He cupped her cheeks, giving her long last kiss before walking towards the door and opening it "what took you so long?" he asked again

The two stayed quiet for a second "- he wouldn't let me give him a band aid with trucks on it" she tutted, snickering as she saw his face

"Yea, whatever lets go"

The three walked together, towards Dot and Herb "Herb. Dot" Five greeted

"Sub herbie" Diego smiled as the two did a hand shake

Hey! My man"

"Good to see you guys"

"Dot" she smiled at the woman "haven't seen you in a long time, you look the same"

"Oh yes still with these silly old glasses" she replied, bobbing her knees slightly

She chuckled "No, i mean you still look pretty"

Herb sighed, looking around at the sea of dead agents "i cant believe it, is she...?"

"Really dead this time?" Five finished his question

"Oh yea"

"Now that the Handlers gone, what happens at the commission?" Fives eyebrows furrowed

Herb hesitated, his mouth moving erratically "just tell them" dot urged

"Eh—well..we need to elect a new board of directors but, until then,i, um i've been voted in as an acting chairperson" he smiled

"No shit, congrats herbie thats huge"

"Im so goddamn nervous" he grinned

"You'll do fine" he said with a strained smile

"Oh thank you"

"Herb we need a favour" She said, a hopeful smile on her face

"Oh sure anything"

"A briefcase, get these guys back home where they belong right?" she smiled, chuckling nervously

Dot and Herb turned around "take your pick" he gestured to the briefcase still in the hands of dead agents

It was dark now, and the seven had decided they were all finally ready to leave, they stood in a circle outside while Five held the briefcase "everyone ready?" FIve asked

"Lets do it, yeah"

"Okay" they All held hands

"Wait!" Klaus ran to the side, putting his hat onto his head

Athena had a guilty expression "sorry, just one second" she squealed as she ran into the house. She returned seconds later with a cassette in her hand, she quickly tucked it into her pocket and rejoined the circle

Five nodded and opened the briefcase and in less than a second, they were out of 1963

The briefcase took them into the academy "oh good god" Luther groaned "wh-what day is it?" he gestured to a news paper on the table in front of them

"April 2, 2019, day after the apocalypse"

"Wait, so we stopped it" Allison exhaled

"My god its over?"

"Did we actually succeed at something?" Klaus whimpered hugging Athena "thats incredible!" They all laughed out of pure relief "i don't know about you guys but i need a drink"


"In Fact i need several"

She walked away from the group of hargreeves , following Five into the living room, the rest soon followed

They all looked around, memories flooding back from the last time they stood in that room, some bad some good..mostly bad but still it was nice for them to be home

Diego's eyes landed on the portrait that used to be off Five "why is there a painting of ben over the mantelpiece?"

"I knew you'd show up eventually" Reginald got up out of his chair and faced the Hargreeves

"Your alive" Luther said softly

"Why shouldn't i be?"

"Yeah. y-yeah youre right im..im just happy that were home and..together again" he stuttered

"Home? This isn't your home"

"What are you talking about? This is the umbrella academy" Allison corrected

"Wrong again this is the sparrow academy" he said

Footprints approached above them, and when they turned around five figures stared back at them

A man who looked identical to Ben walked into the room "dad, who the hell are these assholes?"

They all stared at the man in shock and horror, why was their extremely dead brother looking at them and why did he have such a bad haircut?

"Shit" they all said in unison

SAVE THE MOTHERFUCKING WORLD// FIVE HARGREEVESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon