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After begging Five to let her go with him to give a proper goodbye to Dolores they came across a very familiar street to Athena

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After begging Five to let her go with him to give a proper goodbye to Dolores they came across a very familiar street to Athena

She suddenly stopped walking and just stared into the array of houses down the street "Come on this is the bad part of town" FIve murmured to her, pulling on her jacket

"Just a minute..i want to check something" she walked down the street cautiously, just incase someone would recognise her and call the police but the street seemed to be abandoned

Five huffed and followed the girl "where are we going?"

She stopped in front of a small house "my home" she said softly with a smile on her face

Despite the traumatic things that had happened in that house, it still felt like home to the girl. She walked towards the door and tried to open it "hey hey, we can't just go into a random house" five protested

"Oh please, no one would buy this. Besides it always did this you've just got to kick the door a few times" She kicked the door and within a few kicks the door slowly creaked open revealing a ton of letters blocking the door "jesus..aren't they supposed to stop sending mail when-" she didnt finish her sentence

As they walked in they instantly felt the temperature decrease "i forgot how cold it gets in here, come on let's see if they kept my room the same" she dragged the boy away from the down stairs, she wasn't quite ready to be there again

They tip toed up the stairs, worried they could break at any moment. There was only two rooms upstairs, her moms which she shared with Mikie, when she was there and Athenas.

As she opened the door, she let out a small gasp of excitement mixed with relief. Pretty much, everything was still there "five look" she picked up a small stuffed animal. Five smirked slightly before wandering deeper into the girls room

"Ah shit all my plants are dead" she sighed

Five snickered "yea i would think so"

The only thing that really caught the boys eye was the array of photos stuck to the girls wall and drawings. The majority were of her and what he thought was her brother and the rest were pictures of her and others at sketchy parties drinking sketchy beer with sketchy people

"Ah, good memories..i think" She chuckled behind him taking the pictures of her brother down and stuffing them in her pockets

"Shall we move on to the next room in my mansion?" she said in a posh voice "ooh hold on" she walked over to the wardrobe that only had one door and pulled out a hand full of t shirts and pants, stuffing them in her jacket and bag

Five rose his eyebrows "you wore them at fourteen?"

"What can i say i was good at stealing and i was a badass" she smirked walking to the next room

She stopped at the door, just looking into the room. She didn't go in there, she felt like if she did, she would disturb the peace "cmon..lets go downstairs"

As she walked down the steps, her stomach was in knots. She wanted to get out of the house as soon as she could, she overestimated how easy coming back here would be.

"I can't do it" she murmured turning to Five "no, i can't"

Five grabbed her hand, entwining their fingers "your okay, you can do it just breathe"

She nodded "okay okay lets just take it slow" she slowly started to walk into the room where her whole life stopped

She looked around, everything was the same.Nothing had changed,their were still bullet holes in the walls, pictures hung up on the was were smashed and suddenly she was fifteen again trying to protect her family

She stared at the bathroom door that still had bullet holes "ignore that, look at me" she turned her head to him "tell me about the house any good memories in here?"

"I- i remember it was always me and my brother and after work on fridays id always sneak him into the movies with me so we could watch some dumb kids movie and one day we got caught by a security guard and he..he punched the guard in the face" she laughed "oh my god it was the funniest thing in the world, we had to run all the way home" a tear ran down her face

"They would be proud of you" Five nodded

"Would they though?"

"Yeah" he nodded "they would" he put his hand on her shoulder "you know how i know?"


"Because i'm proud of you" the words didn't seem real coming out of his mouth

She nudged him "you big softy"

"Whatever..Are you ready to go?"

"One thing" she walked up to a wall with height markings from 1 years old to 15 "could you?" she held the pencil out to him

He nodded and dragged the pencil just above her head writing "15 (again)"

"Lets go"