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When Luther dragged the two back to Elliot's apartment, Athena layed head first onto the nice cool floor where she could cool down for a change, she didn't however notice the four other Hargreeves join her in the room. She was too busy in her own world, one where there was no apocalypse and she could do whatever she wanted, a girl could only dream.

"Hey" Five touched his foot to her head lightly "get up, the rest of them are here"

She mumbled something he couldn't make out, leading to another nudge with his foot, this time harder. She groaned in annoyance, trying to swat the boy away "i got you a drink, extra ice" he shook the glass in his hand, catching her attention

She slowly rolled over, a small grin on her face as she sat up, facing the other Hargreeves who looked mildly concerned "up you get" he groaned, grabbing her hand and pulling her up. than putting the glass of juice in her hand "nice sleep?" Diego asked, raising his eyebrows

"Oh yea brilliant" she said sarcastically

"You have a bit of" Vanya gestured to the mud on her cheek and she quickly wiped it off, turning away in embarrassment

"Vanya hargreeves," the man on the tv spoke naming them one by one "wanted in connection with the deaths of several FBI agents inside the federal building at Dealey plaza" Athena turned towards the tv, not taking her eyes off it as she wandered over to Five, sitting on the stairs by him

"A Cuban exile known only as Diego" the man said

"Cuban?" Diego questioned

"Who recently escaped from the Holbrook Sanitarium, A bare- knuckle boxer" Luther's head shot up "with suspected mafia ties who fights under the alias king kong. Allison Chestnut, responsible for instigating and organising the recent riots at stadtlers lunch counter" Allison scoffed, holding back her anger "Klaus, the controversial cult leader and known tax evader" Athena scoffed, taking a sip of her drink "and finally a vicious, dangerous girl, cult leader named only as 'Athena' who is wanted by the police for being suspected of burning down five corporate buildings"

"The FBI is asking the public to be on the lookout for this unidentified boy," The man showed a picture of Five about the fence earlier that day "who they believe is being held hostage by the suspected terrorist network"

Five frowned, nodding his head "well, its true i do feel like i'm being held hostage most days"

"God i hate that photo" Diego stated blandly, staring at the tv

"There saying I instigated the riot?" Allison scoffed "that's unbelievable"

"Vicious? I am not vicious" she scoffed "and anyway the fifth building barely even burned down so" she murmured, lying down on the steps

"Look, the good news is that we restored the timeline and we stopped doomsday so-" Luther smiled

"Yeah, a bunch of real goddamn heroes we let kennedy die"

"Yeah, and now we're officially the most wanted people in the world" Allison shook her head

Her eyes moved from the ceiling to Five, with a smirk on her face "not the first time right" she giggled in a raspy voice, holding her fist out to him for a fist bump, he looked at her with a blank expression "come on..you now you want to old man" she raised her eyebrows at him, still holding her fist out

Five sighed, looking up in regret he put his fist to hers for less than a second before crossing his arms again "The FBI is after us, the Dallas police, the secret service i mean its only a matter of time before they hunt us down here" Allison raised her voice

"Well, where are we supposed to go?"

Klaus sleepily walked down the stairs "I have this yurt just outside Reykjavik, you remember pumpkin?" He stepped over the girl