ii.xi. Miga's birthday (m)

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"Congratulation." Jaehyun had put your son back in bed after you breastfed him and he fell into his food coma, and came back to you under the blanket.

"For what? It's Miga's birthday." Sleepy you open your eyes and feel how Jaehyuns body perfectly snuggled against yours.
"Exactly that. Four years ago you gave birth to our wonderful daughter." He smiled and turned you on your back so he could look you in the eyes.
"Unbelievable how the time goes by." You lean your head a little to the side and look at an empty space for a while. Sometimes it felt like you could watch your children grow. On some days, that even made you sad, because sometimes you would like them to always be so small, sweet and innocent. While you were thinking that way, suddenly you realize how Jaehyun's hand went under your shirt.
"What are you doing?" You start to laugh, but Jaehyun pulls you closer to his body.
"We don't have that much time till Miga wake up. I just want to give you something." He smiled and his hand moved from your breast down into your panties. He put his head on his other arm so he could look into your eyes. His fingers played with your folds and you feel how your body started to vibrate. When he started to press on your clit lightly, you moan softly for the first time. Jaehyun's eyes were still on your eyes and that made the whole thing much more intense. He watches on your face every movement, every pressure.
"Is this good like this?" He leaned further down to you and he was so close now that you could feel his breath. He was still staring at you, but was also focused. He pressed his lips together and his dimples appeared.
"Yes." You moan and enjoy the movement on your clit. You close your eyes for a moment so you can feel even more. Jaehyun's fingers became faster and firmer. It felt so good that your back arched with pleasure. Your folds made by your moisture now loud noises, because Jaehyun moved with his flat hand quickly over your pussy.
"Oh god - oh god." You moan louder and Jaehyun didn't stop. And then your whole body started to twitch. Everything vibrated and you feel that special feeling in your whole body. You moan louder and your chest rises. Jaehyun went on, but you were too sensitive, so you cross your legs because you can't stand the pressure anymore. He pulled his hand out of your panties and hugged you.
"In the evening, when the children are sleeping, then we take a bath and then I really take care for you...more intensively." With two fingers, he took your chin and gave you a long kiss. It was magical somehow. You could not explain why. But you've been enjoying your time with Jaehyun lately so much. It was like you were falling in love again.
It was not long before you hear suddenly your daughter's fast trampling and she ran fast to you both, came into the bed and jumped up and down. Jaehyun grabbed her and put her close.
"Well, are you excited that you have birthday today?" He spread several kisses on her cheeks and she began to giggle.
"YEEEESSSS!" She squealed happily and clutched her father tightly.
"What do you like for breakfast. You can choose anything today." You drive through the dark hair of your daughter.
"Cookies!" Was her answer and you knew that Miga would said that.

You wanted to keep the celebration of Miga small. Only a select few were invited. They included Jaehyun's parents, Johnny and his now fiancée Johanna, Mark, Winwin and Taeyong. Your apartment wasn't so big then that you could invite all members.
"All good?" Jaehyun clasped your hips as you prepare the cake.
"Maybe we should give Miga to kindergarten." You look sadly at your husband. The thought of it made your heart heavy.
"Why? Do you need relief?" Jaehyun seemed worried, even slightly panicked. But it had nothing to do with stress.
"There are only grown-ups at this party. Miga should be more involved with peers. I love having Miga with me, but maybe she should meet other 4-year-olds." It breaks your heart at the thought that Miga will not be there for half of the day. But you also want her to have friends.
"Maybe you are right, should we have a look at some kindergartens?" Jaehyun hugged you as if he felt your pain. You lean against his chest and look at your daughter, who laughingly played with Mark.
"Yes ..." The words were so hard for you. Most of all you would never want to let go of your daughter. Jaehyun strokes your hair and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
"I also don't like her growing up so fast." Jaehyun said, as if he could read your mind. You look at him and were glad that he thought the same way. He took the cake, went to the living room and you all start to sing. Miga was happy. She sat on Mark's lap and glared at the candles. Jaehyun put down the cake and Miga tried to blow out all at once. And she made it. While Jaehyun's father cut the cake, Miga opened her gifts. Everyone was again too generous, and Christmas was also coming soon. But it made you and Jaehyun happy that your daughter had such a nice day. Jaehyun's parents left quite early and you were really happy about that. Since they were gone, everyone was much more relaxed.

"He is so cute." Johanna rocked Sunoh in her arms and plays with his fingers.
"How is your family planning going?" Jaehyun asked his friend.
"We're working on it" said Johnny with a wink and you're glad that the two finally start a family. Jaehyun has been the only father in SM for far too long. Maybe his situation would get better.
"Is Sunoh your last child or do you want more?" Johanna looked up from the little boy and smiled. Jaehyun and you answered at the same time, but unfortunately they were different answers. As always you wanted more and Jaehyun did not want any more children.
"Oh tricky topic." Winwin said and looked worried, but you wave off.
"It's not so bad, as long as I still breastfeed Sunoh, it's not an issue anyway." You smile and look to Jaehyun who has his hand on your thigh and gave you a quick kiss.
"You two should definitely make more kids. Your babies are just super cute." Taeyong sat on the floor and playing with Miga and Cujo, your Shiba Inu. Jaehyun still had not managed to give him a name and Miga always called him Cujo, so that's why he had the name now.
"I hope our kids will be also so good." Johanna looked at Johnny and smiled.
"Ohh Miga is not always so good and calm, right now she is in a state of defiance." You laugh and look to your daughter. She always behaved well in front of others, but she used to have tantrums and jealous attacks on Sunoh. But it was all normal, you could never be angry with her for a long time.
"And Johnny, do you wish a boy or a girl?" Jaehyun took a sip of his red wine and smiled. Johnny just shrugged and put his arm around his fiancée.
"Honestly, I don't care." He glanced at Sunoh and you could see that the couple was visibly yearning for a child. It was a really cute picture and it reminded you of the time when Jaehyun and you just had Miga all fresh. When Miga was born, you could not keep your eyes off her. It seemed like a miracle that this human was of you two. Part of you and a part of Jaehyun.
That the doorbell rang brought you out of your thoughts.
"Are we expecting someone else?" Jaehyun asked you and you shake your head. Then he got up and opened the door.
"Is Mrs. Jung there? I have a registered letter for her." The postman stood at your door and you wonder what could be so important. You also stood up and receive the letter. You sit down again and read through the lines several times.
"What stand inside?" Jaehyun asked curiously and as you look up from the note, you see how everyone is staring at you. Apparently, your expression was so horrified that suddenly everybody stopped talking.
"Suji is suing me for 90,000,000 Won ($ 70,000) for assault and bullying."

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