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Becky's POV

Zoe and Cath departed early because they had unfinished tasks, whereas Sam and I remained at the resort, and I also assisted her with the cleanup.

"Shall we go?" someone said behind me. I turned around and saw a woman wearing a white polo shirt, black shorts, and sunglasses. She looked simple but still attractive. 

"Let's go," I replied.

We went to Sam's car and she opened the front passenger seat for me. I smiled and got in. This was normal for us before, but why did it feel like something had changed? I couldn't understand it, I was going crazy for Sam. 

"What are you thinking? You seem to be deep in thought," she said as she started the car. 

"Nothing, I'll just miss this place," I said. 

"We'll come back here," she said. I just smiled at her and turned my gaze to the road.

Sam and I were like on a road trip, driving down the highway with the windows down and the radio turned up. We were belting out Taylor Swift's latest hit, laughing at our off-key singing voices. It was one of those perfect moments where nothing else mattered but the two of us, the open road, and the music.

We took turns telling each other jokes, laughing until our sides hurt. Sam had a way of making even the corniest joke sound funny, and I loved the way her eyes crinkled when she laughed. It was as if we were the only two people in the world, and nothing could touch us.

As we drove on, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, for Sam, for our friendship that had grown into... maybe, something more. I glanced over at her, and our eyes met. We both smiled, knowing that we were exactly where we were meant to be.

The rest of the trip was filled with more laughter, more singing, and more moments that I knew I would treasure forever. 

We are now in front of my house,

"Thank you for safely taking me home, Sam." I said.

"You're welcome, Becky. Anytime for you. Oh, by the way, this is for you." She said as she took a bouquet of sunflowers from the back seat.

"I've been waiting for so long to give you those flowers, and the timing couldn't be more perfect. I finally gave it to you." She added.

I smiled at her, Sam's love for me is so genuine. I can feel how much she loves me. I don't know what to say, I can hardly move. But what I didn't know was that I was staring into Sam's eyes and her... lips.

As Sam leaned in for a kiss, I closed my eyes and felt my heart race with excitement. Unfortunately, we were interrupted by a knock on the car window. I opened my eyes and saw my father looking sternly at us from outside the car. 

"Becky, it's getting late. You should head inside now," he said, his voice firm.

I quickly straightened up and tried to compose myself, feeling embarrassed and flustered. Sam also sat up and looked equally embarrassed.

"Yes, Dad. I'll go in now," I replied, grabbing my bag and getting out of the car.

Sam also got out and walked around the car to say goodbye to my father. I could see from the corner of my eye that my father was giving Sam a stern look.

"Thank you for bringing Becky home, Sam," my father said, his voice cold.

"You're welcome, sir," Sam replied politely.

As we said our goodbyes, I could feel the tension between Sam and my father. It was clear that my father was not happy with what he had just witnessed in the car.

I turned to Sam and whispered, "I'm sorry. I didn't know my father would come out."

"It's okay, Becky. We can try again another time," Sam whispered back, giving me a reassuring smile.

"What did she just say? OMG I am turning red!" I said in my mind.

I smiled back, grateful for Sam's understanding. Despite the awkward interruption, I knew deep down that my feelings for Sam were real and that I wanted to explore them further. But for now, I had to deal with my father's disapproval and hope that one day he would understand.

As soon as I entered the house, my father called out to me, "We need to talk about something." Uh-Oh, It might be about Sam. Did he see us almost kissing? I hoped not. I took a seat and faced my father.

"Becky, I've been thinking a lot about the company lately," my father began.

"I think it's time to declare bankruptcy."

Uh, I thought it was about Sam.

I felt a pit form in my stomach. The company had been in our family for generations, and it was hard to imagine it going under.

"Dad, are you sure that's the only option?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm.

"I'm afraid so, Becky. We've been struggling for a while now, and we just can't keep up with our competitors. It's time to cut our losses and move on." He said.

I understood his point of view, but I couldn't help feeling a sense of loss. The company had been a huge part of my life growing up, and I couldn't imagine it not being there anymore.

"But Dad, what about all the employees? What will happen to them?" I asked.

"I've already made arrangements to help them find new jobs, and we'll do everything we can to make sure they're taken care of," he assured me.

I took a deep breath and nodded. It was hard to argue with my father when he was so certain about something. But I couldn't help feeling like there had to be another way.

"I just wish there was something else we could do," I said quietly.

"Actually, there is." he said. 

"What is it, dad?" I asked, feeling anxious.

My father took a deep breath and said,

"I talked to Mr. Sarocha last week, asking him for help. But he only gave me one condition, Becky, to save our company,"

He took a deep breath before continuing, 

"He wants you to marry his daughter because he recognizes your potential in handling businesses and wants you to assist her daughter in managing all of his companies. I informed him that this would be a challenging condition since I believed you were straight, but it was even more difficult for me to know that you are not. When I saw you with Sam, I realized that you are more than just friends. Although I should be happy to know that my daughter is not straight, but how can I be content knowing that you already have feelings for someone else? An arranged marriage would be even more challenging for you. Becky, I love you, and I don't want to force you into a marriage that you're not ready for. Nonetheless, I understand the significance of this proposal to our company's survival, so we need to weigh our options carefully."

As I look at my father, I can feel my heart sinking with the realization of the difficult decision that I have to make. On one hand, I have Sam, the person I like. On the other hand, I have our family business, which is struggling and at risk of bankruptcy.

I know that marrying Mr. Sarocha's daughter may seem like an easy solution, but it is not what I want. It is a sacrifice that I am willing to make for the sake of our company and the people who rely on it for their livelihood. I feel the weight of the responsibility that comes with being part of a family-owned business, and I know that my decision will have a significant impact not just on my own life but on the lives of many others.

Tears start to form in my eyes as I think about the consequences of my choice. But I also know that in life, we sometimes have to make difficult decisions that require us to put our personal desires aside for the greater good. I just hope that someday, Sam and I will find a way to be together, and that she will understand the reasons behind my decision. But for now, my duty to my family and our employees comes first.

"I'll do it. I'll marry Mr. Sarocha's daughter if it means saving our company. It's not what I want, but I'll do what I have to do." I said.

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