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Becky's POV

We got into the car with the human bear that Freen won for me at the carnival. She remembered how much I wanted it since our first visit there.

Luckily, we didn't see Emman, and I don't think I'll ever see him again. It's sad because we could have been friends, but it's better than dealing with Freen's scary gaze.

As we got in the car, we left right away. I didn't know where we were going next, but I let Freen drive.

"Let's eat first. It's been a tiring day, and I know you're too tired to cook," she said. I glanced at her and agreed, realizing that she was right. I just wanted to go home and sleep. It was a tiring but memorable day.

We stopped at a nice little restaurant. I thought the food here would be delicious, so I felt tempted to eat.

We sat down, and a waiter gave us the menu right away.

"You can order. I'll eat whatever food you order," I told her. She nodded.

"I'll order everything on the menu," she said to the waiter. I was surprised. Order everything?!

"The food here is delicious, and you deserve to try everything," she explained. I didn't say anything because I knew she would be the one paying.

Once the waiter left, I looked around. It was a simple restaurant, no air conditioning, just an open area with a view of the city lights and a cool breeze air. There was a park nearby where children were playing.

"This is our last day," she said. I took a deep breath, realizing that we would be going home tomorrow.

"I want to stay longer," I said, even though I knew it wasn't allowed.

"No, we have a lot to do, especially the upcoming team building," she replied.

"Oh yeah, where will the team building be?" I asked. I always rely on Freen to plan those things. She's really good at it, especially for fun activities.

"I rented a resort with plenty of rooms. My own resort wouldn't work because I only have two rooms. Plus, I don't want just anyone entering my resort," she explained.

"Okay, you plan it then. I'm not good at those things," I said. She nodded and smiled. 

"Sure, Sarocha." She said. 

"What, Sarocha?" I am so confused. 

"Well, you're carrying my last name." She said, laughing. 

Soon enough, the waiters brought out a ton of dishes. I knew I was hungry, but there was no way we could finish it all.

"Dig in," she said. I nodded and started trying the different dishes on the table, and yes, they were all delicious.

"I told you, the food here is great," she commented.

I didn't say anything and just enjoyed the meal. I was hungry, so I savored each bite.

"Take it easy. You have no competition," Freen teased me, amused. I was taken aback when some musicians came up to us and played "Can't Help Falling in Love with You By Elvis Presley." We fell silent and listened to the music.

"Don't stare at me too much. You might fall in love," Freen teased me again. I snapped out of my trance, realizing that I was actually staring at her.

"You're crazy," I said.

The music ended as we finished our meal. We thanked the musicians for their beautiful serenade.

"Thank you. You guys are amazing," I said.

"You're welcome, ma'am. By the way, you're really beautiful. Can I-" The man didn't finish his sentence as Freen interrupted him.

"No, she's married," she said. The man smiled and quickly left. Freen's intense gaze can be intimidating.

"You're picking a fight again," I said to her.

"Just stating facts," she replied. I didn't say anything and just took a sip of water.

After Freen paid, we went straight home to rest. While we were on the way, Freen suddenly spoke up.

"Are you happy today?" she asked.

"Yes, very much," I said. I glanced at her and added, "Thank you, Freen."

"Thank you too. You made my day extra special," she said. I looked at her and couldn't find the words to respond. All I knew was that my face turned red.

When we arrived home, I went to lie down on the couch in the living room while Freen went to the kitchen to make some coffee. It was already 5:00 PM.

"Do you want coffee outside?" she asked me. I nodded in response. It's nice to have coffee outside at this time. We can see the sunset.

As we sat on the deck chairs, I was amazed by the beautiful sunset in front of us. I couldn't help but take pictures of it.

"Don't you miss Sam at all, Becky?" she asked.

I sat down straight because I didn't know how to answer her question. I wasn't sure if I didn't miss Sam or if I missed her. 

"If I ask you, don't you miss Yssa?" I asked.

She looked back at the sunset and took a sip of coffee before answering me.

"Of course, I miss how things used to be. I loved her so much. She was my world. But everything changed when I saw her with Zoe, what she did to me was cheating... something she promised she would never do. I just miss how things used to be, but not Yssa," she said seriously.

"For me, maybe yes, I miss her. But I'm confused because missing her never hurt me. It's supposed to hurt, right? Or maybe I don't give time to be hurt or to think about things because, to be honest, I'm happy now," I said.

"I hope you're always happy, Becky," Freen said, looking at me. "I just find myself happy when you're happy," she added.

I couldn't move after what she said. I looked away because I knew I was blushing. I really can't understand Freen right now. There's something about her that has changed, especially the way she treats me. 

"What if Sam wants to get back together with you, would you accept?" she asked.

I looked at Freen when she asked me that. Indeed, if Sam wanted to get back us together, would I accept? I don't know either. I'm so confused with everything that's happening. And it sucks to realize that we'll be going home tomorrow, back to reality for all of us.

"I don't know, Freen. I really don't know. I don't want to speak definitively because maybe in the future, I won't be able to do that," I said.

"I'll be there for you, no matter what you decide. If you choose to get back together with Sam, just have an open and calm conversation with her, explaining everything about the one-year contract, so she can understand the situation," Freen said.

After that, Freen stood up and went inside the house. Did I offend her? Or is she feeling heavy-hearted after talking about Yssa? I let her go inside and just took a moment to relax here at the outside.

I thought that In the past few days, Freen and I chose to be happy, not realizing that there are still many unanswered questions we need to think, so here I am, confused about a lot of things.

I'm not hurt when I think about Sam, maybe because anger is the main feeling I have towards her now. She cheated on me, so she can't expect me to feel anything but anger. I saw them kissing with my own eyes, so what did she think I would do? Forgive her as if nothing happened?

And... being with Freen really helps heal a part of me. I don't know what it is about Freen, but one thing is for sure, I don't want Freen to disappear from my life.

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