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Freen's POV

Becky and I are now in the office together, as we decided to come here at the same time since I offered her a ride. I saw how surprised she was because me, offering a ride is not something I usually do. However, she just nodded her head and didn't refuse.

She's currently busy at her desk, signing and reading some proposals for the company. Honestly, my dad chose the perfect girl for me to marry. I mean, I don't love Becky romantically, but I can't deny how good she is when it comes to business.

It wasn't easy for me to save the company, but Becky knows how to handle it so well. She made the complicated seem simple. She's so smart and carefully thinks about every step before making a move. She considers the consequences of each action she takes, and the best part is that she finds a way to benefit from each consequence or comes up with a solution to fix it immediately.

Our attention was interrupted by an employee who came into the office carrying two Starbucks coffees. "Coffee, Ma'am Freen and Ma'am Becky," he said. He placed one coffee on my desk and the other on Becky's. Becky smiled at the employee and quickly returned her attention to her papers.

"Why so serious?" I asked, walking over to her. I glanced at what she was writing and said, "What? Are you playing FLAMES?! I thought you were working?" I couldn't help but laugh when I realized she was just playing a game.

"What's it to you? Sam and I are married in this game," she replied.

I noticed she was covering something on the paper, so I didn't hesitate to grab it. She quickly stood up and tried to take the paper from me. I raised my hand, so she came closer to me to reach for the paper, but we lost balance and I fell to the floor while Becky was on top of me.

I could feel her breath on my face since we were so close, I couldn't move right away because I was staring into her eyes which had dilated. It is the first time I appreciate how beautiful Becky's face is, especially up close.

But then I snapped back to reality when she stood up, and the awkward tension between us was palpable. "Y-You can have it. We're just lovers there anyway, not married!" she said, referring to the Flames game. Did she also put my name and her  name on it?

I stood up and looked at the paper, seeing how many times she had tried both our names. It seemed like she wanted a different outcome. Did she not like the "lovers" result? Hahaha.

She returned to her seat and composed herself. "We're leaving later since it's Friday today," I said. "But maybe you changed your mind? You don't have to come with me." I added.

"Tsh! Shut up, my things are already in your car," she said.

I smirked and went back to my seat, surprised that I was able to have such a talkative moment with Becky. I usually don't talk that much because it makes me feel uncomfortable.

"I also asked permission from Dad, and he said it's okay because the company is running smoothly. He said we don't have to worry," she added.

"Good to know," I said.

Suddenly, Becky's phone started ringing and her facial expression changed, so I knew it was Sam calling. She turned off her phone and didn't answer the call. I couldn't blame her, what she witnessed must have broken her heart so much. If that happened to me, I don't think I could even smile. It was the worst betrayal she could have possibly experienced.

I didn't say anything anymore, I knew that Becky didn't want to talk about Sam and needed to rest her heart. I just focused on finishing the work that needed to be done so we wouldn't have to worry about it once we're at the beach.

"It's already 6:00 PM, Freen, let's go?" she asked.

"Okay, let's just fix the table first before we leave. Do you want to have dinner first?" I asked.

"Let's just go to the Mcdo drive-thru," she said. She played Flames earlier, and now she wants Mcdo? Becky's reverting back to her childhood, I guess.

"Don't you want Starbucks instead?" I asked. She shook her head to decline.

"If you don't want Mcdo, then we will go to Starbucks after," she said.

"Starbucks is too far from Mcdo. Are you going to make me your driver again?" I complained.

After we finished organizing the papers, we immediately went downstairs. Our employee had also gone home, so only the security guard and janitors remained to do inspections and cleaning.

We got into the car, and I started it up, heading straight to the nearby Mcdo. It's located just around the corner from our company. After ordering, I immediately drove towards the beach.

"Mcdo is really delicious," Becky said while eating fries. "Do you want some?" she offered, feeding me a piece.

During the trip, Becky and I talked about random things. She talked a lot because she wanted to keep me awake, knowing that the three-hour drive might make me sleepy, especially after work. We also took pictures and videos together and I opened the roof of the car to have an open-air driving. The weather was nice, and the fresh breeze was refreshing.

"Whoooo!" Becky shouted as we drove along.

She then turned on the car's Bluetooth and played the song "Give me your forever." I haven't heard the song before, but it was good, and it added to the relaxing and fun atmosphere of our trip.

Soon enough, we arrived at my private beach. As we got out of the car, I noticed a change in Becky's facial expression when she saw Sam's private place.

"The place where everything started," I heard her say.

I stood beside her and said, "We're here to unwind, right?" She looked at me, smiled, and nodded.

"You're right, I shouldn't be thinking about her right now," she said.

After that, we went inside. My beach wasn't as beautiful as Sam's, which had many rooms. I only had two rooms here - one for myself and one for my parents. Unfortunately, I didn't have the key to my parents' room, so I might have to sleep on the couch again.

I saw Becky looking around the place and she said, "It's so simple here, Freen. But the place is really beautiful." I nodded and said, "I chose this design because I wanted it to be simple and not too big. I don't have any friends to make more rooms for."

She went upstairs and noticed that there were only two rooms. "Just two rooms? Can I stay here?" she asked while pointing to Dad and Mom's room.

"Those are for Dad and Mom, and I don't have the key to that room either. You can sleep in my room upstairs, and I'll stay down here." I replied.

"Where's the key?" she asked, shamelessly.

I go upstairs and walk towards her to gave her the key, and as she was about to enter the room, the power suddenly went out. She was startled and immediately hugged me.

"You're overreacting, Becky," I said as she let go.

"What happened?" she asked.

"The power went out. Obviously. But don't worry, I have a solar-powered air conditioner in my room, so you can still sleep comfortably," I said.

"S-sleep with me. I can't sleep with the lights off, I'm scared," she said.

"H-huh?" I asked in surprise.

MARRY NOT ME [FreenBecky]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora