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Becky's POV 

It has already been three months since Sam and I became a couple. 

To tell you about Sam and me, I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. We often make plans to see each other when we're both off work. Maybe it's because we're each other's source of relaxation.

What impresses me most about Sam is her unwavering commitment and consistency to our relationship, as shown by her thoughtful gesture of giving me flowers every time we meet. And of course, the happiness she brings me whenever we spend time together is unparalleled. We also told Cath and Zoe about our relationship, they actually couldn't believe it, but they were happy for us.

I still haven't told Sam about me and Freen, because I don't know how to explain it to her properly and I'm afraid of hurting her. I am aware that she might get angry with me for keeping it a secret for so long, but I am simply looking for the appropriate opportunity to tell everything to her.

About Freen, after we signed all the legal papers for our marriage, she stopped talking to me. We still communicate though, but only for business purposes. I have tried talking to her several times, but she ignores me, so I didn't bother talking to her anymore because I felt like she was uncomfortable. The last time she spoke to me was two months ago when she gave me the 1-year contract marriage papers, which stated that our marriage contract will no longer be valid after a year of being married. I was actually happy about that contract, so I immediately signed it.

Regarding the companies, fortunately, both were saved. The companies are currently running smoothly and the outcomes are even improving.

After making my morning routine, I went out of the room and saw Freen on the balcony. She's always there every morning to have her coffee. I headed straight to the kitchen and saw that the food was already prepared as we availed of a condo delivery service for our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But since I don't usually eat breakfast, I just made myself some coffee. After that, I went to the living room to relax for a second. 

My phone caught my attention when it buzzed, I smiled when I saw It was Sam sending Good Morning messages to me. 

"Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?" She asked. 

"Good morning, love. Yeah, I slept pretty well. How about you?" I replied.

"I slept great. I dreamt of you," She replied, adding a blushing emoji.

 "Oh really? What was I am doing in your dream?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, I forgot hehe." She replied.

LOL. I can't handle this girl, but she's incredibly cute. I can't wait to be with her under the same roof. 

My attention was caught when Freen opened the balcony door. As usual, she didn't spare me even a second glance. Although it made me feel awkward, I've gotten used to it after two months of this routine.

She went to the bathroom, presumably to prepare for work.

"Love, something's off. Freen's been ignoring me for a month now, and I don't know what I did wrong." My heart skipped a beat upon reading these messages. So she is also ignoring Sam, huh? 

"I think Freen might just be busy, love. People have been busier lately," I responded.

"You could be right, but what if I bring her some food to her place? I really have this feeling that something is wrong," she suggested.

"I don't think that's necessary, love. Don't overthink it. I'm certain she's just busy. Plus, you're her favorite cousin, so for sure she wouldn't be upset with you," I said, trying my best to stop her.

"I see your point. Alright, love. I won't dwell on it. I'm going to grab some breakfast now. I know you're not eating, but please have something else to satisfy your tummy. Love you," she said.

I smiled as I read her message not until Freen caught my attention again. She is wearing a black polo shirt and black pants. Her love for black is evident.

After 20 minutes, I headed to the bathroom. My bare feet sank into the soft carpet as I turned on the water and waited for it to warm up before stepping into the shower.

Once I was done, I quickly went to my room to apply my favorite lotion and get dressed for work. Freen was nowhere to be seen, so she must have left for work already.

I picked up my bag and made my way to the door, which I locked before leaving. As I arrived downstairs, my driver was already there, ready to open the back seat for me.

"Thank you," I said.

"Welcome, Ma'am." he replied.

As I was on my way to the office, Sam started sending me flirtatious messages. She expressed her love for me and how blessed she feels to have me in her life. It's clear that words of affirmation is her love language.

When I arrived at the office, Freen was busy with her papers and had a serious look on her face. Yes, we work in the same office because our parents think it's best for us to communicate about company's plans and meetings. They don't know that Freen doesn't talk to me at all. lol. 

I sat at my desk when my phone rang. I thought it was Sam, but it turned out to be Mr. Sarocha, Freen's Dad. He reminded me that we have a family dinner tonight and asked me to inform everyone (my parents), especially Freen, since he can't call her. I smiled and nodded, as if we had spoken in person.

"Okay, dad. See you tonight," I replied before hanging up.

I then informed Freen about the family dinner, but she didn't even look at me, seems rude but I didn't mind and continued with my work.


"Perfect," I said to myself as I finished my makeup and put on my outfit, while facing the mirror. I don't know why I still feel nervous about our family dinner with Freen's parents, even though we always have a family dinner date every Friday or Sunday evening, depending on whether Freen's dad, Charlie, is not busy. 

Well, I got used to calling him "Dad" since it's what he prefers me to call him, so I didn't refuse.

"Don't make me wait for you." Freen said before leaving the condo. She's always like that though, an impatient person. 

Whenever there's a family dinner, Freen and I need to act like we're close or comfortable with each other, otherwise Mr. Charlie, Freen's dad, will get upset. That's why Freen always gives me a ride whenever we have to meet the family.

As soon as Freen left, I quickly made my way downstairs. I saw her car waiting for me at the exit area. I got in the car and Freen immediately started driving us to the place where we're having our dinner.


Sam's POV

Uncle Charlie invited me to a family dinner tonight with some big news to share. He also asked me to bring some of Freen's closest friends as he has something to tell them too.

Without hesitation, I invited Yssa to come along. I knew Freen would be thrilled to see Yssa sitting at the same table with her family.

"I'm coming," Yssa messaged me. I didn't reply, but waited for her outside her house.

After Yssa got in the car, I asked, "Are you ready to meet Freen's family?"

She smiled, but I could tell she was a bit nervous.

"Don't worry, I've got your back. Just act like Freen's best friend, okay?" I said.

She nodded and replied, "Yes, I can do that easily."

"Alright then, let's go!" I said, as I turned on the engine and drove towards Uncle Charlie's house.

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