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Freen's POV

I entered the house and sat on the couch. I didn't know why I suddenly lost my mood during my conversation with Becky. Maybe it was because I still harbored a lot of anger towards Yssa. Our story was never a joke, we went through a lot together, and she was my only friend for the past three years. I didn't even understand why I was handling the pain better than expected. 

I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. I decided to watch a show to distract myself from things I shouldn't be thinking about. What's done is done, and I have no plans to go down the path where I was hurt so much. I did my best for us to be okay, but I can't do anything if Yssa herself found a way for me to move away. I'm not the kind of person who would chase someone even when they have someone new. I'm not that desperate.

Just as I was about to turn on the TV, my cellphone suddenly rang with a notification. I immediately checked it and was confused because it was from an unknown number.

"Who could this be?" I asked myself. Without hesitation, I opened the message.

I smirked as I read the first sentence of the message. I already knew who it was.

"Freen, first and foremost, I want to apologize. I am deeply sorry for going against my promise and hurting you. I apologize for not giving you a chance to explain, for not being there when you were looking for me, and for the rumors suggesting you fainted. I feel a profound sense of remorse for everything, Freen. I don't expect immediate forgiveness or for you to return to me. I understand that healing takes time. But when you're ready, let's have a conversation. Let's seek the closure we both need for our relationship. I apologize once again, Freen :<<"

She didn't mention her name, but it was obvious it was from Yssa. She used a different number because I had blocked her original one. I didn't want to communicate with her since the time she cheated.

But she was right. We should have proper closure because our relationship was going well for the past three years. It only became chaotic when she found out I was married to someone else. We both made mistakes, but the difference is that mine was unintentional while hers was intentional.

I snapped back to reality when Becky entered through the door.

"Looks like you're deep in thought, Freen Sarocha," she said. I ignored her and turned on the TV, deciding to watch a love story to feel some romantic vibes from someone else's relationship.

Becky approached me and wrapped her arms around me. I wasn't sure if she was aware of how clingy she had become, but it didn't bother me. I didn't complain.

"You seem grumpy today?" she said, looking at me. I turned my head towards her and was shocked to find our faces too close.

I didn't know what to feel in this position. My heart was racing. I didn't know what move to make because no matter what I did, my eyes were stucked on her eyes and... lips.

We slowly moved our heads closer until we closed our eyes... but suddenly, the TV blared loudly with an advertisement, bringing us back to reality. We quickly averted our gaze from each other, and the situation became awkward.

Becky stood up and said, "I-I'm going to take a b-bath." She walked in the wrong direction.

"Becky, the bathroom is this way," I said, pointing towards the bathroom.

"Ah," she said, and quickly headed in the right direction.

As Becky went into the bathroom, I couldn't help but think about what had just happened. My heart wouldn't stop racing. I had this feeling... I wanted to do it. The TV annoyed me, so I turned it off.

MARRY NOT ME [FreenBecky]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora