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Freen's POV

I held Becky's hand and quickly led her into my car. I didn't know what I was feeling, but I suddenly found myself prioritizing Becky's peace of mind over mine. I knew she wasn't ready to talk to Sam or even see her.

Before I could get into the car, Yssa stopped me. She grabbed my arms, begging for a talk. But I thought that if I talked here with Yssa, I would have to leave Becky behind.

"Not now, Yssa, not now," I said. I saw Sam about to knock on Becky's window, so in surprise, I pushed her away.

"Don't force someone to talk to you after you've given them trauma. Wait for her to heal and be ready for a talk, and that's when you should speak to her," I told Sam.

Sam pushed me back in return. "Why? do you plan on taking her away?" she said with a smirk.

Becky quickly came out to break up the confrontation. She probably saw the whole situation unfold, so she came out and asked, "What's happening?"

"What happened? I was looking for you the whole time. Where did you go? We didn't break up, Becky, so are you cheating on me too with my cousin?" Sam said.

"Wow, you're twisting the situation now, Sam?" Becky retorted.

"Don't call me like I'm the mistress when, in fact, you're the one who's the other woman in our relationship. We have a marriage contract, and you don't," I said. She tried to push me again, but Yssa quickly stopped her.

"In the first place, Becky is mine!" Sam said to me, furious.

"Whatever," I replied. Before she could speak again, I took Becky into my car and quickly got into the driver's seat. I saw Becky staring blankly, so I didn't say anything and just started driving.

To be honest, I didn't know how I felt when I saw Yssa. Our memories flashed back, from the first time we met to when I caught her cheating on me. It all happened so quickly, like a dream.

Yssa still had her looks, I couldn't deny that. When I saw her earlier, it felt like my heart was melting because that was the face I saw when I first met her. Her face without makeup.

Seeing her again confused the hell out of me. Just yesterday, I didn't want to see her for the rest of my life, but now I feel like I want to see her again and talk to her. I don't know what I'm feeling anymore, and it feels so wrong.

After a while, we arrived at the condo. I realized how much I missed this place, especially the balcony where I used to enjoy my coffee. The view was beautiful, and the night breeze felt so good. Thankfully, my dad's unit was on a high floor, so we could see the city lights.

Becky immediately laid down on her bed. I wasn't sure if she was tired or if she just wanted to sleep again because she had been crying earlier in the car.

It was only 5:00 PM, and our usual family dinner date was at 7:00 PM, so she had some time to rest just for a while. Knowing Becky, it would take her an hour to prepare and do her makeup.

I sat on the couch and browsed my social media accounts. After awhile, around 5:30 PM, I quickly took a shower and changed. Then I checked on Becky in her room to see if she's already awake but unfortunately, she's still sleeping. I'm sorry, Becky, but I need to wake you up. We have a family dinner.

"Becky..." I said softly.

Becky slowly opened her eyes.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but we have a family dinner tonight, right?" I asked.

"What time is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"It's exactly 6:00 PM, Becky," I replied.

She quickly got up and headed to the bathroom. She knew it would take her an hour to get ready, especially when it came to dealing with her makeup.

I sat on the couch and started watching a movie. I realized how much I missed watching movies here. I wasn't a movie enthusiast before, but it became a habit since we moved here.

A while later, Becky emerged from the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. It used to be normal for me to see her wearing that, but now it felt different. I felt a tinge of redness when I saw her in a bathrobe.

"What?" she asked, noticing my gaze.

"Uh, I texted Dad that we might be 30 minutes late. So take your time," I said.

"It's still 6:25 PM, right?" she asked. "Uh, okay," she added when she realized she still needed to do her makeup. I don't know why she bothered with makeup; she looked beautiful even without it.

Actually, Becky doesn't wear heavy makeup. It just takes her a while because she's not proficient with even light makeup. She always tries to make her light makeup perfect.

Meanwhile, I made myself a cup of coffee and went out to the balcony. I turned off the TV because I realized I wasn't in the mood for movies right now.

I missed the sunset, however, I didn't catch it in time, but the city lights from here made up for it.

As I sat on the balcony, watching the city lights and feeling the cool breeze, I couldn't help but think about Yssa. I saw the pain in her eyes when she saw me with Becky, especially when Sam talked about me taking Becky away from her.

I know she cheated on me, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I did love Yssa at one point. Becky was right, we shouldn't speak in absolutes because we might not be able to keep our word in the future. So I take back what I said about not going back to Yssa because, honestly, there's still a chance.

My thoughts were interrupted when the balcony door opened.

"I'm done," Becky said.

Becky was wearing a pink dress. Light colors suited her so well, and she looked even more beautiful.

"Shall we go?" I asked. She nodded in response. It was already 7:00 PM, so we headed down to the parking lot right away.

I opened the passenger seat door for Becky before taking my seat. Well, It had become a habit, especially during our mini-vacation at my resort.

During the drive, Becky touched up her makeup again, so I spoke up.

"Why do you put so much effort into makeup? You're beautiful even without it," I said.

"I just don't want Dad to see me looking ugly," she replied.

I glanced at her but quickly focused back on the road.

"Where's the ugliness there?" I asked.

"You're being sweet to your wife again, Freen," she said.

I didn't know how to react, but I found myself smiling. She said... wife. Well, it is true that she is my wife.

When we arrived at the house, we went straight to the pool area knowing we were late. And as expected, we were the last ones to arrive.

We greeted our parents with a kiss on the cheek before taking our seats.

"Long time no see, our daughters. How was the vacation?" Dad asked.

"It was fine, Dad. We got to relax for a week," I replied.

"I thought it was your honeymoon," Dad George joked. We all laughed, but there was a hint of awkwardness in the laughter between me and Becky.

We started eating as we were all hungry by then. After a while, Dad spoke again.

"By the way, your wedding anniversary is coming up. What's the plan? Do you want to go out of town?" Dad asked.

Going out of town sounded fun, but for some reason, my chest tightened when I heard the word "wedding anniversary." Was this about the contract?

I knew signing the contract was illegal for both of our families because they didn't know about the contract I made for Becky and me. And now, I regretted it. I suddenly felt afraid of Dad finding out about the contract.

"Freen, Becky, why are you both lost in thought? Are you excited?" Dad brought us back to reality.

Becky and I exchanged glances, and I saw sadness on her eyes too, or maybe we just felt the same way? Maybe we were both afraid of Dad and Mom finding out about the contract?

MARRY NOT ME [FreenBecky]Where stories live. Discover now