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Becky's POV

I've been staying in the hotel for a week now, which means it has also been a week since I last saw Freen. I don't have any plans of going home anymore. Maybe I'll just go back to the condo when we're divorced and collect my belongings.

I just woke up, and it's 8:00 AM in the morning. I haven't been going out of the hotel much, except when I need to go grocery store. I spend my time watching movies or sitting on the balcony all day, sipping coffee.

I don't really like dwelling on things, but I can't help it. I feel guilty about what I did to Freen. I know what I did was wrong, but I don't know what move to make next.

After going through my morning routine, I headed to the kitchen to make coffee. I've gotten used to skipping breakfast. A little bread and coffee can already make my breakfast happy. I've just grown accustomed to this routine every morning.

I sat on the balcony, enjoying the beautiful weather. It's not too hot today, and the gentle breeze feels refreshing against my skin. I enjoyed sipping my coffee while gazing at the bustling city. The surroundings look so beautiful, and it's calming to watch.

As I observe the city, I can't help but think about how our parents will react when they find out about the divorce. Sam was right; it took them a year for us to be together, and now we're separating in an instant. I know they will be angry and hurt by our decision, but isn't it okay? Our company is already doing fine, so I think we can fly on our own wings now.

A little while later, my phone suddenly rang. It was an unknown number. Usually, I don't bother reading messages from unknown numbers, but I thought this might be an emergency, so I read it.

"Good morning, Ma'am Becky. This is Attorney Tan, who handled your divorce contract with Ms. Freen. I would like to remind you that the signing of the contract will take place today. You need to come to our office at exactly 1:00 PM to sign the necessary documents for the processing of your divorce papers."

My heart sank as I read the message. I really thought this wouldn't happen. I even bought a couple's necklace for us because I wanted to tell her that I didn't want the divorce to go through... but as I said, things change quickly.

Tears started welling up in my eyes. Uh! This is really confusing. It's frustrating!

I shook my head, trying not to think about it. After all, I was expecting this to happen, so I shouldn't be hurt anymore.

I wiped away my tears and headed back to the room to watch a movie. There's a TV in my room, so I can relax and lie down while watching movies.

I chose a comedy genre to make myself laugh and temporarily forget about the problem. Fortunately, I wasn't disappointed with the movie I was watching. It really made me laugh; it had a great sense of humor.

After a while, I felt hungry, so I went to the kitchen and cooked spaghetti. I've been craving it, so I decided to make it.

It's already 11:30 AM, so I decided that after cooking and eating, I'll get ready for my appointment at 1:00 PM. I'm nervous because it's the first time I'll see Freen again.

After cooking, I quickly ate my meal. I got hungry from laughing and watching random movies; it made my day, though.

After finishing my shower, I immediately went to the powder room. I needed to have a proper makeup to look better.

After finishing everything, it was already 1:05 PM, so I hurriedly went downstairs and got into a taxi. I was worried that Freen might already be there, waiting for me. It would be embarrassing if that were the case.

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