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Freen's POV

I'm currently in the restroom trying to calm myself down from everything that's been going on. It's painful, especially since I haven't told Yssa about the arranged marriage yet. I'm afraid she won't understand and might leave me. 

Marrying Yssa has been one of my dreams, but it might never come true anymore. I sigh as I think about how much I'm going to hurt Yssa with what I'm doing. If it weren't for my Dad, I wouldn't have agreed to this. Damn, that business.

After fixing myself, I went back to our table and was caught off guard when the Armstrong family arrived. I had to calm myself again and whispered, "You can do this, Freen." As I walked towards the table, I noticed a familiar woman sitting with us. She looked familiar, and in surprise, I blurted out, 

"I'm definitely not going to marry this woman." I fiercely said. 

I snapped back to reality when my dad spoke. 

"What is it again, Freen?" he asked. 

I looked at him and smiled, 

"Ah, nothing, Dad," I replied and sat down. 

I'm feeling a mix of emotions. My heart was heavy with the realization that I was going to be in an arranged marriage with Becky. The thought of hurting Sam made me feel guilty and helpless. 

As we were having our meal, both of our parents were discussing the details of the marriage while I tried to tune them out. I couldn't focus on anything they were saying because all I could think about was how much I didn't want this marriage. 

I stole a glance at Becky and she looked equally uncomfortable. I wondered if she had feelings for Sam and if this arrangement was as difficult for her as it was for me. As the meeting went on, I felt a growing sense of dread. 

This marriage was going to happen whether I liked it or not. My parents had made up their minds and they were determined to see it through. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. I knew I had to accept the situation and make the best of it. But the thought of marrying someone I didn't love and potentially ruining my relationship with Sam and Yssa made me feel sick to my stomach.

"So, Becky and Freen, the wedding will take place one month from now. We can't rush into getting married right away. We have to follow the proper process. You'll be living together in the same house for you to get to know each other. This marriage is not just about love, it's also about business. You need to have a good relationship with each other to ensure the smooth running of our companies. Remember, you'll be business partners," Dad said before putting a steak in his mouth.

"Do we really have to live together in the same house? Dad, I think we'll be fine with the business even if we have different houses, right Becky?" I asked, looking at Becky. 

Becky smiled and nodded in response. "See, Dad," I added.

"No, there's really something different when you're living together in the same house. Your relationship won't just be for business, but you'll also build a bond as a married couple. You need to feel that you're already married, that there are rings on your fingers," Dad replied.

"I agree, in fact, we've already bought a condo for the two of you. Here are the keys," Becky's dad said and handed us two keys. 

Why are they in such a hurry? Why didn't we know about this beforehand? Why does everything have to be rushed like this? Can't we go through the proper process first? 

I am feeling sick about the situation. I stole a glance at Becky and I could tell that we were both uncomfortable with what was happening, but I could also see that she was trying her best not to disappoint her or my parents.

"Thank you for this, Mr. Sarocha. I promise to be a good business partner to your daughter, and I'll try my best to be a..." she look at me before continuing. "good wife too," she added. 

"Well, I know that you'll be a good business partner to my daughter. I've heard a lot about your work, how skilled you are in businesses, and how talented you are in capturing great ideas," Dad said. 

Becky just smiled and continued eating. I could hear both of our parents still discussing the wedding details, but I felt like I had gone deaf from everything that was happening. I had so much on my mind, especially about Yssa and Sam, the people I love who I know will be hurt by this marriage.

My attention was caught when my dad tapped me on the shoulder, 

"Freen," he said. 

"Sorry, what was that, Dad?" I asked. 

He handed me a paper and a pen, 

"Put your signature here," he said. 

The paper was about the agreement for our marriage, a document that confirmed our mutual consent to get married and specified that we would tie the knot in one month. After I signed, it was Becky's turn to do the same.

"By the way, you will be moving to your condo tomorrow. As soon as possible, you should already be living together," Dad said. 

"But Dad-" 

"Don't speak, Freen. Just follow what I'm saying. This is also for you and Becky's own good," Mr. Sarocha interrupted. 

"Okay, Mr. Sarocha. I will be moving tomorrow," I heard Becky say. 

Why is Becky like this? She seems so unbothered, even though you can see in her eyes that she's uncomfortable.

As the meeting ended and we all stood up to leave, I tried to keep my composure. But as Becky and I made eye contact, I saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes that mirrored my own. It was clear that we were both struggling with this arrangement, and I knew that this was going to be a difficult road ahead for both of us.

As I sat in my car on my way home, I couldn't help but think about everything that had happened. Tears flowed down my face as I thought about the possibility of losing Yssa in my life. In our three years together, my biggest fear has always been hurting her, but now with everything that's happening, there was nothing I could do but cry and break Yssa's heart. 

Sam, my favorite cousin has shared a lot with me about Becky, and it pains me to know that our cousin-relationship might be affected because my marriage to Becky would feel like a betrayal to her.

I pulled over my car and allowed myself to cry.

"Oh please, please, please... let them understand," I whispered to myself while bursting into tears.

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