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Becky's POV

I woke up at 6:00 AM in the morning because I needed to prepare for our team building. Fortunately, we already had a location set for where the team building would take place.

When I entered the living room, I saw Freen in the kitchen, cooking bacon or eggs using the air fryer. I approached her and asked, "What are you cooking?"

"Hmm, fried chicken," she replied.

I was surprised by what she said because I didn't expect her to have the courage to cook fried chicken in the air fryer.

"YouTube," she added, probably noticing the surprise on my face as she quickly mention where she learned it from.

"Hmm... Improving," I told her with my eyes half open. She chuckled at my response.

I headed straight to the bathroom because we needed to avoid being late. Luckily, I woke up on time even without setting an alarm. I stayed up late last night because our parents were talkative. They even planned a surprise for our wedding anniversary, not knowing it would also be our divorce day. LOL.

Actually, I'm scared that Dad might find out about the contract. I don't know why I'm only feeling afraid now, considering that Freen and I have been planning it for a long time. Aside from that, It saddens me to think that our lives will change again. Of course, we'll need to have our own separate homes, and we'll only see each other at work.

After taking a shower, I saw Freen in the kitchen, preparing the food. The aroma was amazing. It was evident that she had studied the steps, ingredients, and everything.

"It smells good," I said.

"Ah, new perfume," she replied, jokingly holding up her clothes.

"I mean, the chicken," I clarified.

"Uh, yes! Let's eat?" she asked, motioning towards a chair and offering it to me.

I was still in my bathrobe, but I didn't refuse. Besides, this wasn't the first time.

Freen served food on my plate as well. As I took the first bite of the chicken, I was amazed because she seasoned it perfectly. I thought it might be too salty or something since it was her first time cooking it, but no, she made it perfect on her first attempt.

"You are good, Freen," I complimented her. She smiled at my comment, appreciating the compliment.

"Of course, hello! This is me." she replied.

"Tsh, hurry up or we might be late. I wouldn't want someone waiting for me," I said.

"So, you don't want me? I'm waiting for you," she said. 

I glanced at her because of her serious tone, but when I did, she suddenly faked a smile.

"Joke!" she said, then quickly stood up and went to the bathroom, leaving me unable to respond.

It was a good thing because we might be late for the team building. We needed to be at the resort by 8:00 AM since the employees would arrive at 9:00 AM. We wanted to arrive early to check if the resort is safe or not.

After finishing my meal, I cleaned up and washed the dishes. The rule is, she cooks, and I clean. It turns out cleaning is enjoyable, especially when the food cooked for you is delicious. Hehe.

After a while, Freen also came out of the bathroom, still in her bathrobe. This wasn't new to me, but I found myself staring at her. Freen is a naturally simple woman, yet incredibly beautiful. I often wonder how she manages to do that.

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