B.B || meet cute

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How y/n and Bucky met. Gon be real weird Bucky will have the ultimate book bf and movie bf rizz

Word count: 1208

Y/n's pov:

I'm working at Barnes & nobles. I'm 23 and I'm in my senior year of college. I'm learning creative writing so that I could hopefully became a writer.

Actually I'm currently writing a book. It's called 'it started out with a deal' and it's about the perfect couple, but the boy has a secret. He actually started dating her for 100$ from his friends "date the weird girl" they said. And she finds out after 3 years relationships and they try and figure out stuff for their relationship.

(It's actually a book idea that I have ✌🏼✌🏼)

I think I'm writing it pretty good, but I'm scared that people won't like it. I don't know, I wish they would if I ever get it published.

"Hey, y/l/n. Breaks over" Natalie - the shift manager opens the door and leaves without manners. Again.

"I'm coming, jeez!" I shout after her. I walk around the huge store not doing anything because it's a Tuesday afternoon and not many people come here. They usually come here on Fridays or Mondays.

I see a tall man with long sleeved shirt - though it's summer- walking around the store. I approach to him. "Hello sir—" holy shit it's James Barnes.

I'm god's favourite.

I keep my cool because he probably hates when people are fangirling over him so I just act like I don't know who is. "Are you looking for a certain book? Recommendations? Genre shelves that you can't find?" I ask being casual as I can.

He smiles nicely - he has a GREAT smile- and says "uh last two options. I'm trying to find the romance section. Back in the day I loved classics and I tried to read that again a month ago, but I realised that it's not as good as I thought. So I was looking for more of a modern romance novel. Can you help me? I have no clue what I'm looking for"

Oh. My. God. Finally a non fictional man who's actually reading romance novels. I think I AM gods favourite.

"Alright after me—" I gesture with my head for him to follow after me as I dead him to the romance section. "Alright so it'll sound weird but, these days we have 4 common plots/sub plots/ plots with romance side plot that people read" he nods so I will continue.

We get to the section. "Normal romance. Usually without or with normal not weird kind of smut—" he raises an eyebrow "erotica. Like Book lover, the cheat sheet, better than the movies, faking with benefits" I show him the books I said on the shelve.

"We have dark romance. Romance with dark content. Mafia. Crimes. Stalkers. Like, Haunting Adeline, The twisted series right here, royal elite." He smiles and looks at me.

I feel butterflies in my stomach but I ignore them because he is THE James Barnes and I am the y/n y/l/n. Not to say I'm not pretty - I AM- but he's gorgeous.

"Mystery with romance side plot. Like the good girls guide to murder triolgy, the inheritance games series and more blah blah blah- sorry I think I'm talking too much do you want me to uh leave you-" "no no continue I'm very interested, really. I like hearing about it. No one else will explain it to me and I don't I understand tiktok and stuff" I laugh because he's laughing though I feel bad for him because of what hydra had done.

He didn't deserve that.

"Alright so lastly we have fantasy with romance side plot. Kingdom of the wicked, a court of thrones and roses, the cruel prince, the priory of the orange tree. And yeah that's basically the most popular genres with romance. Anything else?" I smile lovingly.

I also smile because he's smiling and something about his smile makes me want to smile all day every day.

" recommendations? Sorry I'm asking for a lot I just genuinely don't know and the other worker told me to wait a second but she never came back and I got lost" his cheek are turning pink.

He's so darn cute.

"Sure, I love giving recommendations. So for normal romance with erotica or with small amount of erotica I suggest archers voice. It's so deep and amazing. It's actually my favorite book" I pick up archers voice and admire it because that book owns a very special place in my heart.

"We'll them I must get that" he reads the back super quickly. "Dark romance I suggest you start with the twisted series. Twisted love is the first one, and you have to read them by order. It's dark but not the darkest like haunting Adeline and for that kind of level in dark romance you better read so light but still dark romance. Like the twisted series" he picks up twisted love and puts it on top on archers voice in his strong veiny hands that I want to know fuck the shit out of me.

"For mystery I say a good girls guide to murder. It's amazing. You are being pushed into this really quickly. The side romance is amazing. And the other books in the series are incredible as well" he picks that book up.

"It's a really pretty cover" he says. I smile. "Yep. Uh for fantasy I say how with the shatter me series. Here's the first book-" I hand it to him because it was right next to me. "It's a great series and the third book is my fav out of them all"

"I'll get these, thank you..." he wants me to fill the blank. "Oh sorry y/n y/l/n. Well I'm happy that you're purchasing with us. I can also give you a little discount. My treat" that's my way of flirting shut up.

He smiles and pays for his books.

I watch as he leaves. "Y/n someone dropped books at the fantasy section. Pick it ip will ya?" Natalie says and doesn't even look at me and she's already gone.

"Of course Natalie—" suddenly the door opens again in a rush and it's James again. "Oh hey jame-" "listen I'm in a hurry I promised Steve - Steve rogers captain America to be somewhere 10 minutes ago and he's mad but that's fine but I'm really hurrying and i forgot to ask you for your number. I know that now you use instag something but I don't know how to work that so please, I promise you that im not a creep I just want to go on date with you because you're so nice and sweet. Please" he hands me his phone.

I see 'Stevie :)' blowing up his phone with text. "Sorry for talking too much, James. Here. Call me when you can" I smile and he leaves.

"Oh believe me y/n y/l/n I surly will do call you" he says as he runs. From the window I can see him running but dancing at the same time.

"Did you clear the section??!!"

"On it, Natalie"

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