HTF Universe

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1. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to set up a fight between Able and Flippy. IT WAS A FUCKING DISASTER!"

2. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce Cuddles to SCP-524. All that was left of him was his foot and slipper."

3. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have Buddhist Monkey climb SCP-144."

4. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to tell Lumpy that he can ride SCP-682 like a mechanical bull. That resulted in him getting eaten."

5. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have Splendid fight against SCP-682. For 343 sake this is like Superman!"

6. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to feed instances of SCP-871 to Nutty. Actually, let him eat the cake."

7. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce Giggles to SCP-999. But they do look happy together."

8. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce Flakey to SCP-080. The poor thing wouldn't come out of her home for days because of how scared she was."

9. Dr. Bright is not allowed to have SCP-053 meet the
Happy Tree Friends. She became so traumatized at all of their deaths. 682 want a word with you."

10. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-735 to insult Flippy into turning him into his evil side. It took SCP-999 to calm him down."

11. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to make Toothy meet SCP-4910. Idiot! Think it through!"

12. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to tell Flakey that SCP-173 is a humanoid looking peanut to make people allergic to peanuts, it wasn't funny. Flippy want a word with you by the way."

13. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-096 to sick on Lifty and Shifty if they steal his coffee and danish."

14. "Don't introduce 079 to Sniffles."

15. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce Disco Bear to SCP-1969."

16. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to let SCP-682 watch the Happy Tree Friends get butchered. He couldn't stop laughing all day after watching that."

17. "Don't introduce SCP-2006 to Flakey as she is scared of nearly everything."

18. "Don't let Petunia go into a house that is infected with SCP-020. It resulted in her being in quarantine and under suicide watch."

19. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to make Sniffles sniff up SCP-173's blood and shit when near his containment chamber."

20. "Dr. Bright and Lumpy are not allowed to meet again."

21. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to make Lumpy get taught by SCP-5094. Actually, ya know what? Go for it. Maybe Ms. J can turn him from an idiot into a genius."

22. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to send SCP-682 into the Happy Tree Friends' hometown. That resulted into a bloody fucking mess and it took us a whole month to clean up that mess! We don't care if 682 'enjoyed it'."

23. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have the Blind Mole hang out with SCP-096. Actually, this is the first time SCP-096 made a friend."

24. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to dress up like a Pirate again with Russell the Pirate."

25. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to make Lifty and Shifty into D-classes. Actually, do it anyway. They were caught stealing Foundation records and tried to sell them to Marshall, Carter and Dark."

26. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to eat Mr. Pickles."

27. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to tell Splendid to meet SCP-179. She wanted to keep him as a pet."

28. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-158 on Flippy to remove his evil self. On second thought, go for it. It's about time he was freed from his evil counterpart."

29. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to to feed Nutty cholocate from SCP-743. He was lucky Sniffles was hungry before eating all of those ants."

30. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use Sniffles to neutralize SCP-2031. Actually, ya know what? Go for it, because those ants were really fucking creepy anyway."

31. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to bribe the Happy Tree Friends into doing Jackass. We can't face a lawsuit with Johnny Knoxville."

32. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-212 on Handy."

33. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have Sniffles upgrade SCP-191."

34. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to trick Lumpy into walking into SCP-3008. All that was left of him was an antler that was thrown out of the Infinite Ikea!"

35. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to prank the Happy Tree Friends using SCP-173."

36. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to film the HTF getting hacked to pieces by Able. Children are having nightmares from this!"

37. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use the Evolution's child to fuse Cuddles and Giggles."

38. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to let Lumpy meet SCP-066. That caused loud music to be played destroyed his eardrums!"

39. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to trick Evil Flippy into attacking SCP-073."

40. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-105 to scare Flakey. SCP-105's floating hand scared her so much, she requested an amnestic."

41. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use Giggles as an actual teddy bear to give to SCP-166. She's a living creature, Bright. Not a toy."

42. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to give Russell SCP-175."

43. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to prank Cuddles using SCP-504. His head was all over walls thanks to you!"

44. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-250 to scare Flakey. It wasn't funny, she had to stay in her room due to her fear of skeletons!"

45. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to let Cub watch SCP-993. You're lucky that Pop was able to escape and we managed to use SCP-999 on his kid!"

46. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to ask Splendid to teach SCP-2241 how to become a hero. That would be a disaster."

47. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to give Disco Bear SCP-884. Petunia and Giggles thought he was a Zombie!"

48. "Don't give any instances of SCP-819 to Nutty. He died from the sickness of the Vital Suckers."

49. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to give Nutty any instances of SCP-839 EVER again! All of his organs were replaced sugar candy gummy candies!"

50. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to pay Lifty and Shifty into robbing a bank. We had to amnestisize everyone from remembering twin green squirrels robbing a bank!"

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