Ga Universe

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1. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to tell Leone that she is an instance of SCP-2085."

2. "Don't introduce Akame to Able. That fight between them was a disaster! Najenda want a word with you by the way."

3. "Dr. Bright cannot use Incursio or Grand Chariot. Sorry, Bright but they already chose Tatsumi and Wave."

4. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have SCP-076 join Night Raid, he'll kill everyone in sight and even them!"

5. "For 343's sake, Dr. Bright! SCP-682 is NOT a Danger Beast!"

6. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to show Prime Minister Honest SCP-096's face. Actually, go for it. You'd be doing Night Raid a favor."

7. "Don't introduce SCP-076-2 to Esdeath. This caused him to fall in love with her! And he saw Tatsumi as his rival!"

8. "Don't introduce Lubbock to SCP-166. Clef just started hunting him down. And he want a word with you by the way."

9. "Stop sicking SCP-049 on Night Raid's targets."

10. "Stop using Danger Beasts to try and neutralize SCP-682. Idiot!"

11. "Lubbock is banned from meeting any more Female Anomalies. That incident with him meeting SCP-166 was a disaster. And Dr. Clef just got done with him after three straight hours of beating and torturing him!"

12. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to scare Mine using SCP-1471-A. That's just mean."

13. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-173 to kill any psycho killers. Actually, do it since Night Raid aren't doing a very good job."

14. "Whatever you did to the Danger Beasts, undo it now!"

15. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to wield Murasama. That Sword only works with Akame."

16. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to share a drink with Leone ever again. She just scammed you and the other men."

17. "Don't prank Akame with SCP-572. Pieces of Dr. Bright's old body are still being recovered to this day."

18. "Stop putting Imperial Arms inside of SCP-914. Tatsumi's enhanced armor destroyed an entire mountain."

19. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have psycho killers attack SCP-073. He can still feel pain, damn it!"

20. "Stop using SCP-999 to make the world a better place. Actually, it would make Night Raid not kill anymore people."

21. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to take over the bodies of multiple Danger Beasts and make them attack the Imperial Capital."

22. "Damn it, Bright! Chainsaws and Chainsaw Cannons are still not the answer to taking down the Empire!" (Yes they are!)

23. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-963 on the Emperor and rule the Imperial Capital. You just broke the rule on no possessing leaders, Bright."

24. "Should not play around with Leone using a laser pointer all because she looks like a cat girl."

25. "Don't sell any Danger Beasts to Marshall, Carter and Dark Ltd."

26. "Not allowed to bet against Kurome that SCP-008 victims can beat her undead caused by Yatsufusa. In the end, it cost you the bet."

27. "Stop sicking SCP-049 on Imperialists!"

28. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to take Mine's Imperial Arms and use it to beat the MTF in shooting ranges."
29. "Whatever you did to Koro, undo it now!"

30. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-953 to teach Lubbock a lesson. Actually ya know what? Go for it. You'd be doing Najenda and Leone a favor."

31. "Stop using SCP-610 to infect Imperial Camps!"

32. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to poison the Prime Minister. Actually, do it anyway. You'd be doing Night Raid a favor."

33. "We cannot believe you gave SCP-076 not just Akame's Murasama, but also Kurome's Yatsufusa! Are actually insane!?"

34. "Stop spreading rumors that Dr. Buck is the Prime Minister's daughter! Agent Green want a word with you by the way."

35. "Don't send General Esdeath to SCP-880. Actually, she loves the winter wonderland."

36. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce Lubbock to SCP-071. He [REDACTED] all over the place because of you!"

37. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to trick the Imperial Army into walking on SCP-165. Actually, ya know what? Go for it. You'd be saving Najenda's army the trouble."

38. "Esdeath is not Elsa! She got annoyed after hearing that song Let It Go."

39. "Don't give samples of SCP-009 to Esdeath."

40. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce Lubbock to SCP-4960. Actually, she became more powerful after meeting Lubbock."

41. "Don't seduce Esdeath! Pieces of Dr. Bright are still lost."

42. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to give Tatsumi one of Able's Swords. And then blame him that he stole it. Their fight went on for hours! Mine and Esdeath want a word with you by the way."

43. "Sorry, Lubbock. But you're not allowed in SCP-1472 ever again."

44. "Don't give Mine a sample of SCP-686! Everyone started calling her a cow because of you! Tatsumi want a word with you by the way."

45. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-056 to change into a man after tricking Lubbock into kissing it. Now everyone is calling him gay."

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