Street Fighter Universe

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1. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use any D-classes for any street fight events. People will recognize the D-classes as the criminals for being escapees."

2. "Blanka is not to be used as a charger."

3. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use Akuma to fight SCP-682. He has no soul, damn it!"

4. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to bet against the Street Fighters that SCP-082 can beat E. Honda in a fight. He'll try to eat him!"

5. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to set a fight between Able and Akuma EVER again! Actually, do it anyway since it'll lift Able's mood a bit."

6. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to bet against other people that SCP-073 can win every. That's cheating!"

7. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to pay Chun-Li to be a leg model. Did you just forget that she is a police officer?"

8. "The Shinku Hadoken is not the Kamehameha from Dragon Ball."

9. "Cloning Cammy White for M. Bison to possess is just pointless."

10. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to call Cammy White the 'ASSassin' ever again. She gave us a warning that she will use her legs to break every bone in the body of the next person who says it."

11. "Chun-Li's thighs are not to be taken photos of!"

12. "Dr. Buck is not Cammy's mother, even though they both have cold personalities."

13. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to become an actual Street Fighter. You'll only make things worse."

14. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use any Anomalies as Street Fighters. Remember when you tried doing this from Fight Club?"

15. "Dr. Bright is not allow to bribe SCP-953 into doing the Spinning Bird Kick for fresh liver while filming it. That was a very stupid idea."

16. "No using Soul Power while using SCP-963. You'll kill us all."

17. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to call Sakura Kasugano senpai. That's just creepy."

18. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have Guile train any Mobile Task Forces to make them stronger. Actually, do it anyway. A new Mobile Task Force is a good idea."

19. "Don't put Dan Hibiki in SCP-914. His Satsui no Hado nearly destroyed everything! Gouken want a word with you, by the way."

20. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to take over the body of M. Bison and call his own organization Brightaloo. Idiot! Think it through!"

21. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have Jessica Haggar wear costumes of the female Street Fighters and take pictures of her. Mayor Mile Haggar knows about it. Pieces of Dr. Bright's old body are still all over Metro City to be collected to this day."

22. "For 343's sake Dr. Bright...stop saying 'Hadoken'! It's getting really annoying! The next person who says is on Keter Duty for a week!"

23. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use the Satsui no Hado on anyone EVER again! The Raging Demon caused a fucking containment breach!"

24. "No taking pictures of Cammy White's ass while she is not looking. It's an invasion of her privacy, Bright."

25. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have Rose teach him Soul Power and call it 'Bright Power'. We don't wanna know what will happen."

26. "No using Sakura as a female Anime protagonist with SCP-835-JP as character for the series. It's a horrible idea."

27. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to send Ryu to fight Able if he tries to break containment again."

28. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to learn the Satsui no Hado. That Raging Demon killed over fifty-one of the researchers at the Site because of you!"

29. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to take a picture of Chun-Li's ass while she is doing the Kikoken. We can't face a lawsuit with her."

30. "Cammy White is not to be used for ass porn, Bright. Guile want a word with you by the way."

31. "No tricking M. Bison into wearing SCP-035. Idiot! Think it through!"

32. "Blanka is not Pikachu, Bright!"

33 "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-662 to participate in any street fights."

34. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have Gouken meet SCP-6932. We know you are trying to get them fight, Bright. So stop it."

35. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to let Dee Jay borrow SCP-999 for any dance parties. Actually, go for it. Maybe everything will be nice in Jamaica."

36. "No telling Ryu to fight SCP-096 with his eyes closed. You know his skeleton is indestructible."

37. "No slapping Cammy across the ass. Dr. Bright is still recovering after she broke every bone in his body after that."

38. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to tell any new Researchers that he is a Martial Artist of any kind."

39. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to let Juri use any D-classes as her toys."

40. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce Poison to any D-classes and later reveal to them that she is man. All because it would be 'fucking hilarious'. Actually, it was funny."

41. "Dr. Bright and Kimberly are not allowed to spray paint anything in the Site. You can get creative another way."

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