Jurassic World Universe

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1. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to claim that the T-Rex is immortal after all of the damage she sustained."

2. "Your proposal to restructure the Foundation into the first Jurassic Park is denied."

3. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to tell InGen that Martial, Carter, and Dark Ltd are their true enemies."

4. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to set up a date between SCP-682 and Rexy. We don't wanna know what killer offspring they'll have. She already has a mate."

5. "Ah ah ah, you didn't say the Magic Word is banned from being used as an access denied screen in Foundation computers. Anyone who even says it is on Keter Duty for a whole week."

6. "No adding SCP-682 to Jurassic World's addition in containment. He just broke out and killed a lot of people and Dinosaurs."

7. "No sending in Able to help clean up InGen's mess. We're not doing it for them."

8. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use a Triceratops in a rodeo!"

9. "Every time when a containment breach happens and Dr. Bright says, 'Life finds a way', he is to be tasered. That quote is permanently banned."

10. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use a Pachycephalosaurus as a battering ram. That's animal abuse, Bright!"

11. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to ride a Pteranodon EVER again! That creature just snatched up Dr. Gears and he was given vertigo because of you."

12. "No selling Dinosaur embryos to Marshal, Carter and Dark Ltd."

13. "No cloning any Dinosaurs to make money. Well, we did keep it to cover more of those containment breaches."

14. "SCP-346 is not to be used in Jurassic World tourist attractions. Dr. Rights want a word with you by the way."

15. "SCP-1265 is not Jurassic World, Bright. Claire is taking you and that name to court."

16. "SCP-4003 is not Jurassic Park or Jurassic World crossing over with Wild Wild West, Bright!"

17. "Welcome to Jurassic Park' or 'Welcome to Jurassic World is banned outright. The next person who says it is being transferred to SCP-173."

18. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to clone any Dinosaurs and open a pet shop to sell them. We had to collect them all and prevent anyone from knowing about it."

19. "No hunting any Dinosaurs and using them as hood ornaments. Dr. Clef is not allowed to do that either."

20. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to clone Blue and create a mate for her named Red. She already has someone else."

21. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to take over the body of a T-Rex and become the King of the Dinosaurs."

22. "No using SCP-963 to take over the bodies of Dinosaurs just to create your own prehistoric army! One month later and Hammer Down are still trying to retake the country side!"

23. "Dr. Wu is not gay, Bright!"

24. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to keep saying 'That is one big pile of shit'. Idiot!"

25. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to leave flaming bags of Dino poop outside the InGen's door step! Well, they did deserve it!"

26. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to create a new species of Dinosaur known as the Indobrightasaurus. It took Nine Tailed Fox, Last Hope and Hammer Down and even Able to take it down! You're treading in some mighty thin ice, Bright!"

What Dr. Bright is Not Allowed to Do in The Multiverse!Where stories live. Discover now