Pokémon Universe

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1. Dr. Bright is not allowed to set up a fight between Charizard and SCP-076-2. Idiot! Think it through! Ash want a word with you by the way."

2. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have SCP-053 meet Molly Hale. For 343's sake Molly Hale is a powerful psychic for a three year old. Don't you remember SCP-239?"

3. "Don't put any Poké Balls in SCP-914!"

4. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have SCP-343 Battle against Arceus. He had to find all of Arceus plates before he nearly died."

5. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have D-classes do a Pokémon battle."

6. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to prank Team Rocket into thinking that SCP-3000 is a new evolved Dragonair. Actually, you know what? Go for it. We need more amnestics anyway."

7. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to be Ash Ketchum's father, nor to Dawn and Serena."

8. "Stop putting Pokemon in SCP-914! That Anomalous Evolved Charizard caused a massive containment breach!"

9. "Please, never ever create a horror film about Zombie Pokémon by infecting Pokémon with SCP-008 again! The Pokémon Trainers want a word with you by the way."

10. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to hit on Hunter J. She turned him into stone and shattered him. It took us a week to put him back together."

11. "Damn it, Bright! Stop using Pikachu to recharge the power grid! He overloaded the system causing a containment breach, you idiot!"

12. "Dr. Bright is also not allowed to have evil organizations as D-classes."

13. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have an army of Pikachu fight an army of cloned SCP-594 instances! It took over a thousand Poké Balls to catches em all and a lot of Squads to find the 594 instances!"

14. "Stop trying to ask Jessie out on a date!"

15. "Don't introduce Meowth to SCP-529. You successfully traumatized the poor thing."

16. "SCP-1048 is not your Pokémon, Bright!"

17. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use any Pokémon to terminate SCP-682. Idiot, he will adapt to all of their attacks!"

18. "For 343's sake, Dr. Bright! Never ever lead an army of Dragon Pokémon again!"

19. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to marry Ash's mother. That proposal was romantic though."

20. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use Aura nor
Psychic Powers."

21. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to tell Giovanni that Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. are his true rivals."

22. "Dr. Bright, for the last time Dr. Buck is not a psychic or related to Sabrina. In fact, you just made her angry."

23. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use Dialga to time travel to stop his past self from averting his immortality, haven't you forgotten about TJ and Sarah?"

24. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to give SCP-096 a Sliggoo. On second thought, why not since Sliggoo are blind Pokemon and 096 and 134 need more company."

25. "Telling Pokémon Trainers that they can tame a Charizard with a rolled up newspaper and a tummy rub is right out."

26. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have a female body near Clemont because Bonnie wants them married. For 343's sake Bright that's disgusting."

27. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to be the Champion of any region, not even in Unova."

28. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to sick SCP-106 on Team Rocket, on second thought do it as it would do the world a huge favor and to have 106 on good behaveviour."

29. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have his own
Pokemon nor Dr. Clef to be his Pokémon rival."

30. "Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef are not allowed to train Pokémon without expert trainer supervision. Ash Ketchum does not count. Dr. Oak does not count. Neither is Professor Ivy. Or not even Ash's mother. You know what? Let's just keep the two of them from training any."

31. "Dr. Gears is not Larry's brother even if they don't show much emotions."

32. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to have talking Pokémon educate anybody on the birds and the bees about Pokémon sex."

33. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to steal Ash's Pikachu! Ash cried since he couldn't see him for ten days. Ash's mother want a word with you by the way."

34. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use Lopunny for [REDACTED]. NOT EVEN ON EASTER!"

What Dr. Bright is Not Allowed to Do in The Multiverse!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin