Hololive Universe

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1. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to download Hololive onto SCP-079 data. It's a stupid idea. SCP-682 want a word with you by the way."

2. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to introduce SCP-5726 to Hololive. It's a horrible idea, Bright!"

3. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to create a data version of SCP-835-JP and upload her onto Hololive. The other characters thought that she was a Yandere. Now they won't show up on YouTube anymore because of how scared they were."

4. "Don't upload a female Anime version of SCP-096 onto the internet. We can't have the Shy Guy rampaging across the world."

5. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-2774-A into a
HoloLive Avatar."

6. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to use SCP-1471-A for his
YouTube channel again."

7. "Dr. Bright, if we see you trying to upload a female version of SCP-682 on Hololive again, you will be in HUGE trouble! There's no way they can survive having her on YouTube. Idiot!"

8. "Don't use 343 to turn into a female Hololive
Avatar. The Vatican wants a word with you."

9. "Do not use SCP-914 to make live female Hololive characters to make porn. I don't know if it is pedophilia or lolicon."

10. "Damn it, Bright! Stop trying to involve 4-Chan into this!"

11. "Dr. Bright, if we see you adding pictures of SCP-835 into this, you will lose your movie privileges for a year!"

12. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to put pictures of SCP-166 on Hololive. We don't want the UIU to come knocking. Dr. Clef still refuses to tell us where he hid your old body."

13. "[REDACTED ON O5 REQUEST] Don't even SCP-113!"

14. "No posing as Sakura Miko to take her viewers! That's identity theft!"

15. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to impersonate as SCP-835-JP to make everyone think he is a new girl. Keteru Yamiko want a word with you by the way."

16. "Do not connect SCP-866. You're going to crash the system!"

17. "Please, never, ever try to use SCP-239 to bring the Hololive characters to life. We don't want the UIU to come knocking!"

18. "No using SCP-853 to make her look famous. All she will talk about is eating someone's liver."

19. "Do not pretend to be SCP-054 on YouTube again!"

20. "Dr. Bright is not allowed to make a female version himself on Hololive."

21. "Stop contacting the Hololive characters."

22. "Dr. Bright is not a allowed on Hololive EVER again! We told you for the last time, you can't make videos, Bright!"

What Dr. Bright is Not Allowed to Do in The Multiverse!Where stories live. Discover now