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This boy is impossible.

He's distracted easily, extremely annoying to work with, sarcastic as hell and grumpy.

So grumpy.

"Matteo, can you please pay attention." I click.

He puts his phone down, raising an eyebrow. "You just rambled about a club I've already crossed off the list for 10 minutes, Xena."

I lean back. "You're impossible."

"You need my help, sweetheart. What do you want?"

"Don't call me sweetheart."

"Princess?" He smirks.

I give him a disappointed look.


The disappointed look turns to disgust.

He smirks again, "maybe if I speak your mother tongue-"

"I will rip your tongue from your mouth, Matteo. Don't bother. Just pay attention." I roll my eyes.

"Not gonna lie, your accent is hot." He stretches, his shirt lifting up as he arches his back slightly.

He is ripped.

I look away.

He chuckles, sitting back down. "Right, cross out that club again."

I cross it out and point to the next sex club. "That one's on tonight." He yawns, "put my name down and got an invite for it." He winks.

I raise my eyebrows, "without my permission?"

He bites his lip, "do i need to ask your permission for everything, Xena?"

"I'd appreciate it."

"Well, I put my name down for all of the rings I could find, and all of the sex clubs I'm aware of." He folds his arms across his chest. "Slight problem, however."


"This club is for couples. Couples buy a person to have for the month, better for threesomes." He shrugs.

I just shake my head.

"Now, Keilani and Ciro have been to a couple before and I asked and they said they'd be able to attend a few, so they're on the guest lists too, but they have a massive case coming up with some pedophiles in Australia so they're kinda busy."

"Do you have a girl you can take?" I ask him.

He looks up at the ceiling. "I have plenty girls I can take, but one of your girls would be better. Work related, obviously."


"Because I don't know who I am looking for. Never met a trafficking victim." He picks his drink up. "You could always come."

"Thought we couldn't be seen out in public together?"

"We won't be in public. We'll be in an environment full of rich politicians and made men. Even still, if we are out in public together it could have its perks. My brothers girlfriend was trafficked and they laid off her because they knew she was with Romeo and his reputation."

I'm aware of his family's ordeals. Delilah Park, who's vanished off the face of the earth at the minute. I know about Romeo's history, Ilaria's history. He is so quiet compared them. His case is huge but theirs are boxes full, his is only 1.

"So me being seen with you can either act as a warning to lay off me, or...?"

"A means to get back at me. If i have enemies in these trafficking rings, they'll take you." He shrugs.

"How big is this club tonight?"

"Quite big. I spoke to the owner, I know the owner. He's an Russian guy, which means there's probably girls from Europe in there. How do you identify trafficked victims."

"Usually have bounded marks but I feel in a sex club it will be harder to identify."

"No. The girls being sold are all brand new."

I hate how derogatory his life is for women.

"If they have a lot of bruises, usually shy and weary, skinny girls... they look malnourished." I clear my throat. "Is there any way you can find out if the girls are trafficked or willing?"

"I'll see what I can do." He types and then calls someone, putting it on speaker.

The guy answers quickly.


"I'm coming to your show tonight but I have a couple of questions regarding the flowers."


"Go ahead."

"Willing or bought?"

"Some of both, why?"

"You know how I like my flowers, Cash. Don't like them if they're willing. Is there a way to know if the flowers i'll be viewing are bought?"

The guy on the other line chuckles.

Flowers is a metaphor for girls.

And I feel sick.

"Yes, there would have been a notice at the entrance saying the white flowers are bought."

"And how many can we buy at a time?"

"You looking for a brothel, Reign? Or maybe a club of your own."

"I simply like a lot of flowers on me."

The guy laughs again. "Three is the maximum tonight but I know you Italians pay well, so I can boost it for five for a little extra."

"Thank you, Cash. I'll see you tonight."

"Are you bringing a plus 1, Matteo?"

"I shall be." He hangs up.

"That's disgusting." I spit out.

He scoffs, "I'm not a fucking creep, Xena. Delilah was my best friend, I'd never willingly buy a woman, let alone go to one of these things if it wasn't for you." He tuts. "You'll come with me tonight." His whole attitude switches.

"I will?"

"Yes, you will. Inform Hamada on what's going down, I'll get some other men I know who's going to ask about the flowers so it doesn't seem suspicious and I'll have my underboss bring some things round for you later." He stands up.

"Where are you going? Let's talk about the plan?"

He sighs loudly. "The plan is you're a woman, so you don't have an ounce of authority over me in there; over anyone. Misogynistic, but it's true. Now, you may think I'm like that all the time but I am not. My mamma raised me a feminist, Xena. So everything I say in there is purely to help you boost your business and get to the bottom of this ring. I'll do the talking, you'll sit beside me like a good little girl and keep quiet, okay?"

I gulp.

Keilani told me he was the nice one. I wonder how mean Romeo and Ilaria are.


"Good. Just be clear, as well. It's a sex club. There's shows before there's the auction. You have to wear a lingerie and a pair of heels. You okay with that?"

I nod my head.

"You feel uncomfortable at any time, let me know."

"We don't have to... partake, no?"

His eyes light up, "why? want me to spank you?"

My disgusted look creeps back onto my face.

"Joke, pretty." He picks his phone up off the desk. "I'm not too sure the regulations yet, usually read them as you get there. Don't worry if we do, I'll let you edge me." He winks, and then walks away.

I could not tell if he was being serious or not.

I just sit in shock for a second.

I hope to God I don't have to edge him.

i wanna edge matty

MATTEO (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now