10. XENA

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Ilaria is bossy.

Matteo, Romeo and I are listening from the back of a van, parked two doors down from where Xiuming lives. Matteo and Romeo were worried about her and she simply shut them up by telling them what she was going to do, they simply complied.

We can hear and see everything. Her necklace has a small, hidden camera in it, and her earrings allow for Romeo to talk to her.

Their house is nice, it's full of red and gold and the guards by the door were very respectful to her, though, we are yet to see Xiuming.

An older woman bows and hugs her and then leads her to a room.

I felt physically sick when I seen the amount of naked girls walking around, scars all around them. One small blonde was kneeling at the red couch, and a tall man was sprawled across the couch.

"Sick bastard." Romeo frowns.

When this man sits up, i could see Matteo's face drop.

They look identical.

Literally, down to the T.

"Oh, thats uncanny." Romeo mumbles.

He kisses Ilaria's cheeks before clapping his hands twice and all of the girls remove themselves from the room. Then he pats the seat beside him,

Ilaria sits down, then starts speaking Chinese.

"What is she saying?" I ask Matteo, Romeo intimidates me.

"Asking him if they marry, will his whores be part of the deal." He says quietly, "hes saying no. Only one. Ilaria is asking to see her."

The blonde girl that was knelt at his feet walks in, I could see that her behaviour was very similair to Trixie's behaviour.

They exchange more conversation and Matteo glances at Romeo, they share a look. "Woah, what was that look?" I sit between them.

Romeo looks at me as if I offended him profoundly and shuffled away to put distance between us and then frowned, saying something in Italian to Matteo. One of the men in the back, Leo, Laughs.

"He said if you touch him again, he's going to chop that bodypart off and send it to your father." Matteo informs me. "And, they're speaking about Trixie so shut the fuck up for 5 minutes."

I want to smack him sometimes.

I just sit back and let them listen.

When a girl starts bringing tea in, Matteo takes the headphones off. "What Trixie is, is what they call their showgirls. The blonde girl you see on the screen, she looks most similair to her, but he's trying to find Trixie again, she is the one that he wants. He said if Ilaria marrys him, Trixie will be a dealbreaker in the relationship."

"Could be why she was so clean." Romeo adds on.

"How do you know that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"A 13 year old in training could hack into your security system, get your papa to buy you a better one." He keeps his eyes on the screen.

"He really is trying to find Trixie. She must have been special to him." Matteo puts the headphones back on.

I'm left in the dark until they get up.

"Ilaria asked to meet the girls, told him she liked hooking up with girls and he said thats fine." Matteo explains. "You tell me if you know any of these girls."

Ilaria's necklace showed the girls faces. She speaks in Chinese again. "She asked why they're all injured. He said he likes whipping. But not on his showpieces."

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