44. XENA

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Because Neves was found, for three weeks I haven't been doing my job. I needed a break. I wanted to be with her.

I walk into the wireless room and see a meeting going on. Matteo was explaining stuff to everybody and it looked damn important.

I have no clue what's going on.

I've seen him go in and out of the house. Our eyes will meet but he'll look away and get on with his stuff.

I nudge one of the agents shoulders. "What's going on?"

"Uh, the guy that took your sister invited him to the big ring. We're just going over some stuff." She explains.

I listen.

Feds are going to be surrounded that place. There's going to be a lot of collateral. Even the international Interpol team are making their way over.

Matteo doesn't notice me listening. He carries on explaining the traits and characteristics about this man.

Like a profile that the FBI give.

Only, he's the only one that's met this man, which means he found out all of this on his own.

Pretty damn impressive with no training.

"His weak spot was Neves but now that she's safe, it'll be passed onto someone else. However, he didn't let it shown to me that he has a physical weakness but it's only expected that he does. The girls he had were completely drugged so that they were weak. They had shock collars on to keep them in check and, if the case is similar to Neves, then they will also have reasons to want to listen to him. Whether that be a child, or something sentimental to them."

Hamada looked damn impressed in the corner in the room, whispering something to Agent Da Rosa.

He speaks some more. Then the screen lights up with the blueprint of a building.

Hamada walks up and takes it from there.

Matteo stands at the back with me, he glances at me, does double take and then stands tall, his jaw clenching.

He looks different, more rugged, he's got a slight beard and a couple of cuts on his face and knuckles, his hairs longer and he's not wearing a suit or workout clothes, but jeans and a shirt.

I put my attention back on Hamada. "We will be spread out everywhere as soon as the doors close. We'll get rid of the ones outside first, then move to the ones inside. SWAT will lead us in. Double up." He makes that part clear. "Do not wander off in one place alone. The police down at the station on are being told this exact thing, and even the police in the jurisdictions where this is happening. Interpol will be there and we have our assassins there incase people are running. It will be dangerous and a lot of collateral. If you're not willing to go, we won't judge you for it. Sign your name here." He holds up a clipboard.

I didn't expect Matteo to walk over and write in it.

He says something to Hamada and then leaves.
I had a feeling he didn't write his name.

I walk up, looking at how he scribbled my name down.

I scribble it out.

"You're not going, Mendes." Hamada says.

"Why not?"

"Because your sisters back and you're going to be there with her-"

"This is my organisation-"

"And I'm the FBI. You're a civilian in this matter, not a trained agent or police officer. You'll do better here than you would out there."

"You can't-"

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