57. Matteo

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Xena hugs Neves as soon as she sees her.

I leave her be, nodding my head for Hamada to join me. I walk outside, lighting a cigarette. "Xena just told me Benjamin told Oleg about me helping out. Sent him the proof of Xena's weekly write ups and all."

"Your name was concealed. We use code names for scapegoats." He slides his hands into his pocket. "It was Person A."

"Xena's personal files."

"It's protocol for her to use code names. If she didn't, we need to reevaluate and she'd probably get fired."

I nod my head.

I want her to get fired. She doesn't need to work in this life anymore, she can do something else that's less dangerous and stressful for her.

"When she's calmed down, ask her about it. In the meantime, I'll call back Oleg."

"Why would you do that?" He blinks blankly. "That's what you should not do."

"The more I act like I have no clue what he's talking about, the more he'll believe me. He's gullible. I'll take Romeo with me, he won't touch me when Romeo is around."

"I'm coming to." Roman walks out, taking the cigarette off me and throwing it onto the floor. "For safe measures."

I smile at Hamada. "I'll do fine. Is it arrested that you want him?"

"Preferably. We tell them he's a pedophile and he'll get what's coming to him in prison. Unless, you have other plans."

"Just depends on how it all goes down." Roman answers that. "The girl can stay with us for as long as you need. Luca or Asher are always here, The twins are fully trained too. Not to mention to the array of made men surrounding the house."

"Thank you. It will only be until we find a more secure home for her."

"Don't bother looking. We'll get Oleg so you don't need to." I smile, walking back inside.

I walk upstairs, into my childhood bedroom. I should start cleaning it. Let the boys stay in here.

My room and Ilaria's room are connected through a little bi-fold door. Many people would hate it but we loved it growing up. Easy to annoy each other.

I start cleaning the mess from the last time I was in here. Make sure all the guns are in Romeo's room and when I open my bottom drawer, usually where i'd keep my socks, i see it full with needles and morphine, even some fetanyl and heroin.

I pick up one of the vials, shaking it.

I stole all of these when I was drunk once. I went down to the warehouse and cleared all the men from it, then went to the drug department and stole it all.

I then proceeded to blame it on a break in.

My door opens and mom stands there. "Oh." She looks at it.

"Can you take them?" I stand up.

"Of course." She picks up one of my bags and starts dumping everything in there. "Is there anymore?"

"Not that I know of." I close the drawer. "The boys can sleep in here, I'll clean out Ilaria's room and Neves can sleep in there."

"Yeah, came in here to start cleaning it." She looks at me. "I'm very proud of you, you know."

"I know you are." I kiss her cheek. "You should come to mine soon and we can watch a movie on my couch. It's a great couch."

"So I've heard, Emilio wants one for his room." She messes up my hair, having to tiptoe to even reach it. "Go on. Xena is downstairs in the kitchen."

MATTEO (book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant