52. XENA

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The gym has become my favourite place to escape too. For the past three weeks I've been here everyday for at least two hours, I never realised how much it can get your mind off things.

I do train with Prisha most days, some days I train with some of the bodyguards at the safe house. Sometimes I train alone. I usually ask random people to spot me if I train alone.

Prisha is with me today, Benji is also here but he would rather do pilates and yoga than work out. So, he's with all the pilate people.

"Incoming." Prisha says. I turn around, looking at Matteo walking in.

Lord have mercy.

He was wearing a white compression shirt, and only now have I realised how big he's gotten. The tightness contoured his muscles so clearly.

He's ripped.

His shorts were black, showing off his defined legs and leg tattoos. A fresh one above his knee.

His headphones were on and he walks right over to the treadmill, not paying attention to anyone.

"He's so sexy." I look at Prisha. "Do you know how bad it is that ever since he's been back, I feel nothing towards Benji."

Prisha is the only one I informed on my little Matteo Reign crush. She got all the rundown, all the details, she's my first real girl friend and so, she basically signed up for it.

Just like how she gives me the run down on all her sex life. We overshare far too much but it's nice being able to connect with someone like that.

"Girl, I don't think you've ever felt anything towards Benji unless he's making you come-"

I slap her wrist, tutting but knowing deep down that it's true.

The man has a good dick but that's about it.

I lay back down on the bench and she spots me as I do my usual set, then I spot her.

We move on to squats, Matteo walks past us looking down at his phone, sweat beading all around his arms and necks.

I'm so horny.

For him.

"Hey, he likes your ass right?" Prisha says.

"I have a boyfriend-"

"That you don't like. Be selfish for once." She hands me the weights. "Squat."

Matteo does like my ass, and it's just gotten firmer since he left, and it looks really good right now.

"I'll get his attention, everyone's attention." She starts doing them with me.

I keep going, my lower body strength can take much more than my upper body can. Suddenly, she drops her weights, more like throws them.

I could see in the mirror that a load of people turned to look this way, it's a relatively small gym.

I keep my eyes on the mirror, Matteo turned too and he looked at her but then his eyes fell to my ass. I focus on me and in my peripheral, he turns his body fully to get a better look.

I noticed a couple other guys doing it too.

After my set, I help Prisha. "He looked."

"Everyone looked at your ass." She shakes her arms out. "Jealous of your genes, Xena."

I thank my mama for that.

I smile, getting ready to my other set. Only in the mirror, I could see Matteo and a girl talking.

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