49. XENA

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The perks of being a remote FBI unit is the private jet.

I've been on a private jet before, Matteo's jet. It's much nicer than this one but I can't complain, a jet is a jet.

We do international things as well, we work alongside Interpol and other organisations. But due to my promotion, everything reports back to me.

One of the agents, Prisha, has became one of my best friends. She's from India, was a victim herself and devoted her life to help victims. She's 34, and has been doing this for 12 years.

She's who I go to when I need advice.

"Do we have permission to enter?" She asks.

"Yes. I'll go with Christopher." I clear my throat. Christopher is an agent too, he's big and muscly and he's doing this because his girlfriend was a victim, she killed herself five years ago because of it and he wanted to make sure he could save as many people as possible.

"Go where with me?"

"The undercover for Dublin." I smile.

He sits beside me, my other agents join and we discuss the plan.

Once we landed in Dublin, we set the tech up with her work and focus more stuff, as well as call our loved ones and do our disguises. Now that we're in the country, Christopher and I need to be our aliases. Full time. We have a different apartment, a different car, a different everything.

It's all to make it more believable.

My disguise is pretty easy. I usually always braid my hair into 5 cornrows and put in blue contacts, recently I've learnt how to hide my Brazilian accent and mask it to be American. I wear different clothes and the most important is the fake braces.

I'm supposed to be 16.

I'm 23, so it's getting more difficult but for some reason, the braces always do it.

Christopher is a 6"5, muscular blonde dude with brown eyes. He dyes his hair black and puts in brown contacts, then always wears a suit and grows out his beard.

We'll be here for at least a week.

Interpol let us know that there was a group of girls taken from a school trip, the investigated it and had suspicious to believe it was for a ring, so they immediately called us.

Hand in hand, Chris and I walk into a local bar. I make sure to look timid and shy and act like he's a father figure to me.

This is a place where the suspect hangs out.

"He's here." Chris is a little aggressive with me as he sits me on the chair. "Stay." He points, acting as he walks up to the bar.

Today, we managed to make conversation with him. His names Conor, he works with the IRA closely and he kept giving me the eye.

Tomorrow, We'll do more.

I get back to the apartment Chris and I are staying in. I use my other phone to call mom. "We've landed safely."

"Hunny, Trixie was spotted on a flight to Dublin a week ago."

This girl causes more problems for me than I would like to admit.

"Thank you, I'll get someone to keep an eye out for her. Contacted police here?"

"Yes. They're aware. How is everything going?"

"Alright I think. He asked Chris to meet him tomorrow so I'm assuming he's interested." I lay back. "Love you. I'll be quiet for a few days."

"Stay safe hun." She hangs up.

I call Benji. "Hey darling." He answer.

"Hey." I turn onto my side. "Can we take a holiday soon?"

"Of course we can, my love, where would you like to go?"

"Somewhere quiet... away from everything."

"I can arrange that. Everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be quiet for a couple of days because of this case I'm working but I'll make sure Prisha let's you know I'm okay."

"Do what you need to do, my love."

I smile. "Bye bye, love you."

"I love you too." He hangs up.

I sit up, rolling my neck. I take my braces off but shove them back on as soon as I hear heavy knocks on the door.

Chris looks at me, then slowly walks up and looks through the peephole.

A bullet pierced through the door, then his head, and he falls backwards.

I press the SOS on my watch quickly, knowing there's cameras all in this room, it's laced with microphones and my watch will track me as long as I keep it on.

I rip the band off and push the screen behind the thickest of my braids. Then I back walk into the corner.

He's working faster than I would have thought.

Conor walks in cockily. "Get the girl." He says.

I keep backing away as he looks at me and two guys with ski masks on walk up.

They put a bag over my head.

I hold my breath, but let my body fall limp within a couple of minutes, pretending to pass out.

I learn this tactic in training.

I'm thrown over someone's shoulders and carried out of the building, put in the trunk of someone's car.

I untuck the watch. Sending another SOS to my family back in the States, and of course, my chief and Hamada.

I make sure it's completely silent before tucking it back in neater, making sure they were unable to see it and I couldn't even feel it.

Very rarely do they touch people's hair.

The journey was 20 minutes. When they open the doors, I put myself back in the position they threw me in. They carry me bridal style this time. The building was warm and smelled like coconut.

They put me on a bed in a room and close the door. I slowly open my eyes.

There was 3 other girls in here, staring at me.

I bring my knees to my chest, looking around.

It never gets easier.

Now I have to hope and wait for them to find me.

Find me before they find my watch.

If they find my watch, they'll kill me.


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