36. XENA ⚡️

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Matteo has fucked me slowly twice already and he's going for a third time.

I don't even want to stop. He's exploring every single inch of my body and it's making my stomach fill with butterflies.

He kisses just below my belly button, looking up with a grin. He's so beautiful.

I smile. "What time is it?"

He turns his head to the side. "4AM."

"We need to sleep." I use my elbows to prop me up.

"Called in already and said we'd be late." He kisses up my stomach. He loves my boobs. He focuses on those a little more before coming back up to kiss me.

We're both a mess, covered in each others come and sweat.

And water and body oil.

We're a mess.

I smile when he slides his tongue into my mouth. I suck on his tongue gently, holding his face, we kiss slowly, our bodies tangling together.

I open my eyes, looking at him and how soft his features are.

It's like he had a change of heart and wanted to go slow. I didn't expect to just be kissed and feathered for hours.

He opens his eyes and we just stare at each other for a while.

My stomach drops.

He looks at me with such an familair look, I know it's familair because that's how Antonio looked at me after the first time we made love, and now Matteo is looking at me like that, after holding me, fucking me slowly.

Making love.

He slides into me again and I loved the way he kissed me as he did. "Last time. I'm tired." I hold his face.

He slowly fucks me for an hour, keeping his eyes on mine, his body connected at every point.

He comes in me, swallowing each others moans as we come in sync.

"Shower now or morning?"

"We're so gross right now." I run my fingers through his hair.

He blinks slowly, kissing me gently. "I can lift you." He offers.

"Yes." I wrap around him.

He runs his arms all around me and then lifts me up, carrying me to the bathroom. In the shower he couldn't take his hands off me. He showers me first, then I shower him.

We make out in the shower but it doesn't go any further than that. He carries me to his bed, surprisingly.

He starts stripping the bed and I get up to help him, we change the bedsheets together and I can't help but love this.

Imagine this is what it would be like if we were together.

Nakedly making the bed.

I let him do the hard part and put the sheets back on and as soon as it's on, I crawl in. He smiles, changing the duvet and throwing it over me.

I laugh and he joins me, bringing me into his arms. I rest my head on his chest, tracing a tattoo with my finger.

"It means strength." He mumbles.

I point to the one on his V line. It's just a snake. "Just a snake. I used to have one when I was a teenager."

I point to his neck tat. "Mom and dads birthdays." He turns his arms. "And the twins." He points to his only coloured tattoo, a pink dress. "For Ilaria." Then to a soccer ball. "Romeo."

"Why soccer?"

"Because he wanted to prove a bunch of jocks wrong once, ended up becoming captain of the soccer team." He smiles. "Inside joke."

"What does the crown actually mean?" I ask.

"It's Romans design. He drew it and everything. It was his moms crown, a toy one." He explains.

"I like your tattoos."

"Half of them are completely meaningless."

"Like spongebob on your ass?"

He laughs. "Yeah:"

"I can't get them until after i've found Neves."

He kisses the top of my head. "We'll find her."

It's not long before he's asleep, and while I could sleep with him... While I desperately wanted to. I couldn't. He wouldn't like that.

I get out of the bed, tiptoeing to the living room.

I look at the pictures we took and just smile, walking into the guest room.

I sleep in there, able to sleep for hours due to how tired I was. When I woke up, it was noon.

I could smell food being made and get out of the bed. Naked, I stand in the doorway, Matteo was cooking, a towel wrapped around his hips.

I could so sneak up on him right now.

I do exactly that, he had cleaned up everything, the photos spread across the coffee table.

I hug around his waist.

What I didn't expect was for him to jump, pushing me away. "Didn't mean to scare you." I take a step back.

"Put some clothes on." He looks down at me.

Oh great, I've got cold hearted Matteo again.

I walk to the laundry room and pick one of his shirts up, pulling it over my head.

I walk back.

I'm slapped in the face by reality when he was eating without me.

I grab the plate, sitting beside him. "Sorry for startling you."

He shakes his head, eating silently.

I do the dishes after we ate. He was doing something in his room. I sit on the couch, picking the photos up.

I like these. The photos. They're like our thing.

He walks out. "Uh... My dads about to be here. You should go." He says, hands shaking.

"Matteo are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Xena. I... I called you an uber. It'll be there soon. Drivers called Louisa."


"Go, Xena. Please."

I shake my head, grabbing my bag. I slide my heels on and leave, passing Asher in the hallway. "Xena?"


He shakes his head. "Nothing. Sorry." He steps out of my way.

I take the elevator down and wait for Louisa to show up. She drives me home. Says it was all paid for.

I go around the back to my place and shower again, changing into my own clothes.

I end up jsut sobbing in the bathroom.

What did I do wrong now?

I manage to calm myself down, getting my mind off him by helping the girls. But I'm reminded of him again when I look in the mirror, his marks over my neck.

We should have ended this before it ever began.

y'all i did not check any of these smut chapters purely bc i feel sm second hand embarrassment so there's mistakes lmk!

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