24. XENA

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I could seriously strange Matteo Reign. Not only did our 'we should stop this' thing turn into a 'oh, let's fuck every other hour of everyday' thing. But now the guy is sitting at the dinner table.
With my dad.

Dad decided to show up randomly. Mom and him have barely said a word to each other and I don't speak to him, so he wandered around.

He started speaking to Matteo, and took an easy liking to him. Now, my dad isn't someone easy to please, but he likes Matteo. A lot.

He won't like Matteo if I tell him he's a gangster.

Am I going to break this no contact thing to spite Matteo?


I walk up to the dining table, Matteo's eyes fall onto my breast, more specifically the makeup covering the mark he left on my boob.

"Pai , você sabe que ele é um gangster." I say loudly. (Dad, you know he's a gangster)

"Eu sei filha." (I do know daughter.) He frowns a little.

You have got to be kidding me.

Matteo smirks cockily. "Seu pai quer ver minha coleção de armas." (your dad wants to see my gun collection)

My dad looked damn impressed as he looked at Matteo speaking my mother tongue. "You speak Portuguese?"

Matteo smiles. "Xena helps me with it."

Bullshit. I do not. I never have. I'd prefer it if he didn't hear when I was talking shit about him.

Dad smiles. "Can we talk, filha?"

I've already broke the no contact. I guess I should hear him out.

"Fine." I fold my arms across my chest.

Matteo stands up. "It was nice talking to you, Mr. Mendes. I'll see you later." He looks at me. "Will see you later too."

"Don't hold your breath."

"You're the one that does that, pretty." He mumbles, walking past me.

I hate him. I really do.

I ignore him, sitting opposite my father. "Talk."

"I am sorry."

"You've said that-"

"I didn't mean to offend you, and I didn't realise what I said was wrong until I said it." He grabs my hand. "I know it's not Neves fault she was taken. I know that. I know that what she wearing had no effect. I am sorry that I blamed you and blamed what she was wearing. I was angry and trying to blame something and you were easy."

I feel my eyes start to water. I know he was angry. But I hold grudges.

"I'm so proud of you, Xena Mendes. You did all of this looking for her and I haven't helped you at all. I want to change that, darling. I have the money and resources to help. I have people." He gets up, walking around the other side of the table so he's sitting beside me. "I'm here now. For good. I won't push you or your mom away and when she wants to talk to me, I will tell her all of this too. I miss you, darling."

I wipe away a tear.

I can't stay mad at him.

"I miss you too."

"Hey, look at me."

I look at him. He smiles softly, his silver tooth peeking through. "I will do whatever it takes to get you all back, even Neves, whatever it takes."

"We only have three more months left of government funding, then we're on our own again." I look at his wedding band. "And the front of the house could use some work, there was an attack and it got damaged. Took more girls in and they've used majority of our money."

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