68. XENA⚡️

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Matteo is fucking crazy.

He's been out of the hospital for all of 2 weeks and he's already back in the gym, lifting weights, spotting people lifting weights, running, even though he literally got a bullet through his chest.

He is stressing me the fuck out.

After he's done abductions, I walk up to him. "We're going."

"I haven't-"

"You're not supposed to be lifting weights. You need to heal." I deadpan. "We're going."

He sits up, his hair sweaty and sticking to his forehead, he rests his elbows on his knees. "Worried about me, pretty?"

"Yes. Now get up." I tut.

He rolls the weights and puts them back before getting up. "It's cute when you worry."

I ignore him, grabbing my stuff and his as we exit the gym.

Romeo forced Oleg to call the assassins off, so my family can live freely now.

Oleg is still alive, but that's because Matteo wants the satisfaction of killing him himself, when he's healed.

I get in the drivers seat and he just laughs at me. "God, Xena. Cheer up, I'm fine."

"You're gonna hurt yourself." I start driving. "Belt."

"Yes ma'am." He puts his belt on.

I drive us to our house.

It's so weird calling it that but it's official.

I moved all of my stuff in.

I sleep in his bed.

Shower in his shower.

Wake up to him.

Cook his food.

Our home.

There was a package of his waiting at the door and he smiles like a complete nerd, happily walking inside.

Still, Asher and Arabella are staying with us but I know it's good. He's still going through recovery and we need to be extra careful, so I appreciate it a lot, and the extra help because he is difficult and stubborn.

"What's that?" Asher asks.

"Skateboard." He uses his keys to cut down the box.

Arabella and I sigh.


How hard is it to just stick to rules?

Asher joins him though, geeking out over a damn skateboard.

I wash my hands in the kitchen. "Need help?" I ask Arabella.

"I can't be bothered to cook today. Buying takeout." She watches Asher and their son assemble a skateboard. "When the triplets were three, I sent Asher and Roman to the play park with them. It was my first time leaving them alone." She leans against the counter. "Roman came home and told me Asher was pushing kids out of the way to go on the slide."

I laugh. "No way."

"Oh yeah. Big kid, him. Matty is the same." She folds her arms across her chest.

"He thinks it's funny poking ny stomach every night from 4AM to 5AM, repeatedly, then pretending it's not him."

She shakes her head. "Childish."

"I heard that." Matteo stands up, parading the skateboard.

Arabella frowns a little. "Matty, can you even skate?"

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