37. XENA

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Antonio was waiting in my living room when I woke up.

What is it with men and just helping themselves into my place? Last night, Matteo walked on in while I was fresh out of the shower. Pointless shower because within 20 minutes I was sweaty and covered in come.

He left earlier this morning after keeping me up for hours.

Now Antonio?

"Tonio." I groan. "Why are you here?"

"Wanted to see how you were." He points to the breakfast he had made for us.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I sit beside him, hungry, so I eat.

"I'm not doing all too well, actually. I've been meaning to ask who your new..." He stops talking. I look at him, he was looking at my neck.

Matteo is leaving tomorrow for some mafia business in South America, and because he won't be around for 4 days, he wanted to leave me with some things.

Those things being hickeys and handprints.

"Your new guy." He clears his throat, looking away. "He was here last night?"

"Antonio." I stand up. "Please leave."

"I just want to know if he's treating you well..."

"He's not my boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. We just hook up." I assure him. Even though, I've come the realisation i am unexplainably in love with Matteo and I hate it.

"You don't need to lie to me, Xena." He shakes his head.

"Look. I'm too tired to argue with you. Believe what you want to believe but just leave." I walk into my bathroom.

I shower all the grossness off me from last night and change into some workout clothes. I walk out, my heart dropping when Antonio was in my room, my underwear drawer open.

I keep all the pictures of Matteo and I in there.

"Really?" He raises his voice. "The gangster?"


"You're such a fucking slut, Xena. All he needed to do was look at you and you're dropping your pants for him." He shuffles through the photos. "Letting him mark you." He scoffs, throwing the polaroid of Matteo's handprints marked on my ass. "Hell, what the fuck are you even doing in this?" He holds up the one of Matteo's come all over my face, my tongue sticking out.

"Go away, Antonio."

"No." He empties everything in the drawer. More pictures. "God. Was everything I gave you not enough?"

"Antonio, you're just going to hurt yourself. Go away, please. Before he comes back." I snatch the photos off him.

He's angry, and angry men are never not violent.

He grabs my phone that was laying on the bed. "You let him record you?" He shakes his head. "God, you send him videos of you touching yourself?" His voice cracks.

"Antonio, why are you going through my things."

"He's a murderer, Xena! His type are probably the ones that took your sister-"

"Don't being Neves into this." I push him.

He pushes me back, scrolling through the phone. "Good you're such a slut." He shakes his head with a scoff. "The shit you willingly let him do to you is the shit Neves is forced to go through on the daily."

My heart drops at that, because I know it's true.

Just then the door opens and Matteo doesn't say a word, just lets his broad body take up the doorway. "You wanna take that back before I hurt you?"

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