PART I- Boys Just Dissapoint (chapter 1)

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  • Dedicated to Daniel Grigori

Author's note: OKAY FIRST! I have this weird belief/hope that maybe..JUST MAYBE someone from either The WANTED or One Direction will read this book...NO ONE CORRECT ME AND TELL ME I'M NUTS! Number one, I know I'm nuts. Number two, I REALLY LOVE THEIR MUSIC AND THEY'RE ALL REALLY NICE, SO IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, DON'T SAY IT AT ALL! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I just don't get why fans say they hate each other...but btdubz...all the magazines I read about TW say they like 1D, but all the magazines I read about 1D, say 'don't hate on the insaneeee fans that go crazy, hate on TW fans' yeah. I get extremely wackkkoooo when it comes to that. ...

Please comment on what you think of my story! This is my first story, so I'm hoping you'lI like it! Give it a chance at least! I know that sometimes even though people read the author's note, they still don't comment. I know sometimes authors notes are annyoing, but this is my first story, so can you please be supportive? I know whenever I read author's notes, and they say 'vote!' or 'comment!' I do! So please, be supportive! Vote+Comment= Happy me!

ADDITION: (SEPTEMBER 21:) Can u please like my page if you like my story????!/pages/Normal-is-Overrated/187116448090258




 We raced down the field, my hand in his. The sky was soaring above us. We were laughing and enjoying ourselves. Nothing could of ever been more perfect....

"Danz, Danz! Come on, we're late!" Hadassa yelled.

 "Hadass?" I asked unsure.

 "Yes, I'm going to have to ask mom to give us a ride to school." She said.

 "But, isn't it dad's day today?" I ask.

 She lowered her voice and whispered "He's on a business trip again to Thailand because of the tsunami. They need shelter badly. I'm so sorry."

 No! Why does he always have to leave! I know he's just trying to be nice and all but why! Every time he has a break of work, he's always volunteering! First the earthquake in Haiti, then the earthquake in Japan, and now this! I'm just surprised that I still haven't got over him never coming by now.

 Then I screamed "Why! It's not fair! Why! Every time, EVERY TIME! Just once, ONCE, that's all I want, just ONCE can father come??!" Then I pull the cover over my face and sob into my pillow. I'm never calling father 'daddy' again, he lost that title years ago.

 Today dad was going to take me to the aquarium and movies! I was looking forward to seeing the movie Red Riding Hood so much! Amanda Seyfried one of my favorite actresses! I practically worship her!

 Guess that's never going to happen.

 I look at Hadassa with pain in my eyes and tears stained to my face. One look at me, and Hadassa bent down by my bed and stroked my hair. She tried to calm me down but it was no use. Then she went to turn off my light, and walked out closing the door behind her.


Let me tell you about my family. My family is complicated. Father is a very generous 37 year old man with brown hair, and the most amazing green eyes. Mother is a 37 year old woman with thick red hair and solid dark brown eyes. The oldest child is Hadassa. Hadassa is 17, has hazel eyes, and has caramel brown hair. The middle child is Alex. Alex is 16, has golden brown eyes, with black hair. Last but not least, there is me. My name is Danzabelle, but people call me Danz. I am 14, and I have fire red hair with orange highlights. My eyes change color according to my mood, but my neutral color is green.


After I finally had the strength to move, I went downstairs to find Sammy, our adorable little Jack Russell Terrier, dynamic as ever.

 We got Sammy when he was only 4 days old and now he is 7 months. He has black fur and copper colored orange fur around his left eye, his ears, his paws, and the tip of his tail. I truly love him with all my heart and consider him one of the family.

 I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. I looked in the freezer and there were some frozen pancakes. I thought to myself about this and shrugged it off. Then I kept looking and found chocolate chip waffles. I shrug that off too. Man, this was harder than I thought!

 I heard my phone ring upstairs. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom and checked the caller ID. It read Drew and I smiled. When I picked up I heard in the background "One order of double-the-cheese mozzarella pizza with a peach Snapple and garlic nuts coming up!"

 Then I heard Drew "Hey, how are you? You didn't go to school. I tried calling before, but you didn't answer."

 Then I remembered some sort of noise when I was in bed. Then the thought hit me, Drew ditched school to get me pizza. Awwww, so sweet!

 "Drew, be honest?" I ask

 "Of course," he replies.

 "Did you ditch for me?" I ask

 "Maybe...." he trails off.

 "You're the best Drew! But BAD BOY!" I say laughing.

 "Well, you can call me that! The first part, not the other part." he replied.

 I smile. He always cheers me up!

 "Be right over," He says.

 "See you," I say.

 With that, we hung up.


I decided that I needed a bit of fresh air before Drew would come. Therefore I was walking around the neighborhood and I saw a moving truck, so I figured that a new family was moving next door. I hung around to take a peek at the new neighbors, but I had no luck.

 After five to ten minutes, I decided to walk back home. Something stopped me. I didn't know what it was. Actually, for a second I went blank and froze. It was a weird feeling, but in a good way. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it was glorious!

 There he was....

 I didn't see him at first, but freakily I knew to stay. The family was all getting luggage from the truck, and I just couldn't decide the best rate of the guys. The he came out last, with his heavenly gold hair and Sky Blue eyes. Unlike some of them, he was tan. He was tall and dream, hot and perfect.... maybe too perfect. I prayed for a sign to show me my destiny. Signs. Any signs! I just needed ONE sign. The sign soon was to come.

 "Mason," one of the overly attractive brothers yelled "Come on!"

 "Are we going to practice our laps?" Roland says ( His shirt says Hi my name is, and you can tell he wrote with a black sharpie, 'Roland'. I am not a stalker).

 "Yeah Roland! I just need to get some bags!" The boy who is apparently Mason says back. He took like 4 bags (he's really strong to be holding all of that!), and looked at the distance from the truck to the house. He seemed to think it was a relatively okay difference because he nodded. Before he carried them into the house, he looked up at me with familiar eyes. I know I've seen him somewhere before, I must've! Our eyes met, and somehow stayed there until I realized that I shouldn't be having "moments" with one of my new neighbors; and me having a boyfriend makes it all that much worse!

 Then I remembered Drew.... Drew! He must already be at my house! Then I heard a zooming noise and Drew pulled up in his red Cadillac. He rolled down the window and said "Need a ride, hon?" I smiled, hoping Mason didn't hear the 'hon' part. Before I jumped in, Roland nodded his head towards Mason and then towards me and winked. I blushed, but I covered it up with pretend cough.

 One last look at Mason, and I was in the car. He slammed the truck door shut so hard, I flinched and I think I heard something crack.

 Drew skewered his eyes at Mason and left Mason was looking after our car like, like it was his.... life.

Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now