The Kiss that Got Away (chapter 13)

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I run into the street, not even caring if any cars were coming at me. I keep running and running. I turn around when someone grabs my hand. AGAIN?!?!!!

"Danz," Mason says.

I look away ignoring him and hum to myself.

Damn he is fast! I think to myself.

Maybe I said that out loud, because he smiled and then stopped, back to his serious face again.

"Danz," Mason repeats. "Danz," Mason says over and over in a way that was supposed to be peevish, but didn't come across that way.

Finally I just snapped, "WHAT!"

"Danz," Is all he says.

"What! What! What! What! What do you want?" I scream so loudly that a few pedestrians stopped and stared at us.

"Danz, I'm sorry I accused you." Mason says.

"Uhuh, right." I say sarcastically.

I'm sick and tired of boys and their same old game:

1) You have a moment.

2) You try to convince yourself that wasn't a big deal, which only makes you like them more.

3) You embarass yourself in front of them.

4) You try to unembarass yourself.

5) You realize your relationshiop can't be.

6) Everything about them is either luring or cool to you.

7) They walk in on you do something private.

8) You fall for them.

Wow! All these happened to me. Yet number two never happened to me. I never realized our eyes first locking wasn't a big deal. Never ever. Because it was just such  a transparent moment, it was too obvious to be fake.

"Danz," Mason says.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"I want to ask you a question." He says taking a slow step over to me.

"Ask away." I say.

"If," He says and stops.

"'If' what?" I ask.

"If your so into Drew-" Mason starts.

"A-bub-bub!" I interupt Mason.

"But if you're so into him, then why-" Mason says.

"A-bub-bub!" I interupt Mason again.

"If you're so into Drew," Mason starts. "And don't you dare say 'A-bub-bub' me again!" Mason says quickly.

I look away when he said his last comment.

"Then why do you always-" Mason continues but gets interupted by me saing 'A-bub-bub'.

I laugh at my joke and look at Mason's face which is serious, and stop laughing leaving my face blank.

"Then why do you always go around plaing boys? Why do you always play them like your the guitar player and all of them are your strings? What makes you think you have the right to just 'be in charge'?" Mason asks.

"Mason, Mason, Mason. I don't. You know what, it doesn't matter what I do! What makes you think you could go around accusing people of having sex with their brother?!?!?! You're being a hypocrite, and even you know it! And I'm not changing the subject, I'm just stating facts." I say stubbornly pouting and crossing my arms.

"So you don't walk around picking up boys, hot or not, because you're bored? You don't have them wrapped around your finger? And did you change the topic, it doesn't matter if I'm a hypocrite or not! You're just using boys! And even I know that right now I sound like a girl!" Mason says, the last part smiling.

"I don't walk around picking up boys and play them! Now back to the subect, why did you accuse me? Especially of having damn sex with your brother! Not everything is what they seem! You just came in wrong timing!" I say snapping my fingers.

"Wrong timing? You got that right! When I came in you were practically on top of my brother! Actually, you were! Yeah, I can accuse you because I saw you on him! So don't pull that on me!" Mason says.

"You know what?-" I start to say but get interupted by my phone ringing.

"Wait a sec," I say while he looks at my ringing phone.

I see the caller ID being Rob.

I put my finger up to Mason while I answer to Rob by saying "Ello?" with a British accent, but fail.

I speak with a British accent because Rob is British.

"Ello chap!" Rob says with his accent over aggagerating the British talk.

"How do de do lad? You're accent is quite fine is I may say so myself chap!" I say with the accent and start laughing.

"I love you, but why'd you call?" I ask Rob.

"You know we haven't seen each other in months, and I miss you! I'm flying in from Britain, to be with my family and so happened you live there love. Maybe we could spend the night smoozing and told me quite the story from Shay about some chap and yourself. Would like to hear. So what do you say love? Are we in for a plan?" Rob asks.

"I'm sure it's your family you're here for," I say suspiciously.

Rob smiles over the phone and says, "I miss you love." with his adorable accent.

I laugh and say, "Wow, you must really like me,"

"Haha," I say laughing and continue, "I love you! Anyways, how did Shay get your number? Damn! She knows people!" I laugh again.

"Well, since the fair we got to know one another," Rob says clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth,

"GROSS! And it was a carnival! I'll tell you about the "scoop" later." I say laughing.

He laughs with me and says "Right! By the way I was being sarcastic,"

It's hard to take you seriously with that accent. It's just so cute!" I laugh.

"Again, really?" He says peeved.

Ever since we were old enough to talk, I always called him cute. We've known each other our whole lives because we're family friends.

"Sorry," I apologize.

"So yes? I know a place where we can go tonight. Say 7:30?" Rob says.

"You're already in New Jersey? Awesome! See you. Pick me up at address 714 North Gilboa Boulevard." I say hanging up.

I look at Mason and say, "Got to go,"

"Wait," Mason said.

I see him hestitate, but close his eyes. Bit by bit, he parted his lips until I could see their fullness. His lips are so gourgeous and full. They're peachy colored and fit his pearly white teeth perfectly! His teeth are straight, not even one crook! Finally the kiss I've been waiting for is to come! I also part my lips and close my eyes.

After a few seconds I open my eyes.

Mason was nowhere in sight.

I look around and see a car accident a few blocks down.

Just like the cars were smashed, so was my dream of ever being with Mason.  

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