PART II- Embarassment (chapter 25)

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I was numb.

I had nothing to say. All I think about was how he knew. Am I a bad liar? Had he known all along? I’m going to kick him!

“Don’t think about it.” Mason says.

How did he know I was going to do something? I think.

“I know a lot more than you think.” Mason replies, emphasizing on ‘think’.

Drew jolts awake. “Why you…” Drew growls.

Mason goes over to Drew and pushes Drew’s pressure point again. Drew falls back into unconsciousness.

“Hey!” I protest.

“Come on we have to hurry before the others locate us. Doubtful, but possible.” Mason says.

“What are you saying?” I exclaim.

Mason grabs me and slings me over his shoulder and stands up...with me still in my undergarments. I hit his back with a lot of force and end up hurting MYSELF! “Sorry,” Mason says. I narrow my eyes at him and let out a piercing shriek. “Honey, you got to do a lot better than that.” Mason says. Better than that I did do. I shatter the glass around the room. “We got to go.” Mason says again. I adjust my bra strap which was falling…AWKWARD!

“What about Drew?!?!” I exclaim.

“Tyler will get him and take him home.” Mason says. Mason quickly texts Tyler. “He’s on his way.” Mason says to me, and then runs with inhuman speed to his car. With me half dressed.


Mason walks in his house with me on his shoulder. I am going insane! I shifted into vampire mode a few times but it wouldn’t help. He is just so strong.

Jacob is chilling on the couch, and sits up straight up right away. “What have you two been doing?” Jacob asks in a suggestive tone, seeing me in my undergarments slung over on Mason’s shoulder.

I kick and scream against Mason’s back but it’s useless. Mason just rolls his eyes and asks Valerie, who is on the other side of the room, to toss him a blanket. She tosses the blanket to Mason, and Mason covers me. He wraps me in the blanket and hands me bridal style over to Valerie.

“Hello! Human here! Well—not really…” I say.

Valerie runs upstairs and into her room with incredible speed, well not as fast as MASON…but still pretty fast. WHY ARE ALL OF THEM SO FAST?!?!?!?

Hailey is chilling in her room. Hailey and Valerie, Roland and Mason, Jacob and Gabriel all share a room. Besides for Tyler who gets the basement, I later learned.

I borrowed some clothes from Hailey, and we all just talked. But they warned me anybody could be listening. So we kept it kind of impersonal. But we did test it…

Valerie asks what I was doing, before I was so RUDELY interrupted, and I told them I was busy with Drew…

Hailey said she heard Mason growl and Roland laugh.

Why always THEM? I think.

“Mason muttered ‘because’. Did you say anything?” Hailey asks.

“No, but I—“ I stop short.

“Thought.” Valerie finishes for me. “Yeah, don’t do that.”

“Okay,” I say confused.

Hailey eyes my ring, eyes narrowed. “Can I see that for a sec?” Hailey asks, already taking my ring from my finger inspecting it.

“This is a force field ring.” Hailey says.

“Is it activated?” Valerie asks, suddenly standing within seconds at Hailey’s side.

“It doesn’t need to be. She has them IN her. She’s totally protected. But Mason…” Hailey says, trailing off.

“What?” I ask. Is something wrong with me?

“Mason says ‘nothing at all’. You’re still thinking!” Valerie scolds.

“WELL GEE! I’M SORRY!” I say sarcastically.

“Guys, back to the earlier conversation! Okay, so you’re in love with Mason.” Hailey says.

“Pft! No!” I deny, I unsuccessfully holding back a blush.

“Roland! Bug off!” Valerie screams at Roland. After a pause she says “Yeah you! I sense you!” Then he smiles. “He’s gone.”

I smile scared.

“It’s okay,” Hailey reassures.

Someone knocks at the door. Who is it? You guessed it! Or maybe you didn’t…GABRIEL!

“Hey Gabe.” I say. And then I quickly say, “Sorry I have a friend named Gabe…”

“It’s okay. My family calls me that, and since you’re practically in the family…” Gabe says and watched me blush.

Does this family take pleasure off of my embarrassment? I think.

“No.” Gabe says.

“What do—?“ I say.

“Mason said ‘no’. What were you thinking?” Gabe asks.

“Oh, nothing.” I reply.

“You were obviously thinking SOMETHING.” Gabe says.

I shake my head. I really don’t want to talk about it.

“Anyways,” Gabe says trying to change the topic, “What are we talking about?” Gabe asks.

“NOTHING!” I say quickly.

“Her love life.” Hailey says. Valerie smirks.

“N-n-n-no.” I stutter.

“And how many force fields she has around her body. But isn’t she blocked from Mason. Which means--“ Valerie starts.

“She loves him.” Gabe finishes for Valerie.

I try to act interested in a picture of all of the Sparks about to jump out of a plane.

Without a parachute.


Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now