The Flash Back (chapter 10)

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I was a little baffled by the conversation with the man from my mind. I didn't go home; instead I just stared at the path that Mason ran from me. Of course I felt bad when I realized Mason was behind me when I was with Roland.

Well, whatever. Everything happens for a reason. Still staring at the path, I sigh. I mean, the voice from my mind told me not to go, and I think it is right! Weird things have been intensifying ever since Mason arrived.

How much time do I give him? What will happen next? After next, what happens? After that next, what happens? I'm flustered!

I take a path by the side street by the trees in the park in the direction where I thought saw Mason run. I started jogging. I saw a few garden snakes here and there, and a few turtles by the water. The turtles were so cute!

I kept walking, and I saw something in the water. I knew that this pond was connected to the bay, which linked to the ocean, but I wasn't scared. I'm not one to let fear run my life. I saw something scaly and something black. The scaly part was aqua green; it was pretty for a possible sea monster. I saw something pale, and it looked like fingers.

I got a grip, and yanked it up. I couldn't believe what I pulled. It was too big to be a dolphin or shark. It was too green to be anything else. It wasn't believable to me at first! I read about it in fictional and fantasy books, but those are fictional and fantasy.

I dropped its hand and backed away.

"Where are you going?" She coaxed. "Come closer, I won't hurt you!" She pacified.

"GET AWAY! NOW!" I say slowly and clearly.

But she doesn't care. She half laid her body in the water and on the grass. Weeds wrapped around my ankle when her fingers wrapped around the air, as if the air was my ankle. I wasn't scared of her, I'm not scared of anyone or anything! This thing was trying to-I don't know what it wants! Frankly, I didn't care. No one can trap me and get away with it! I burned with anger while she pulled her body onto the grass, relieved to be so close to nature. Her body twinkles with magic, and her legs appear.

She had black hair with barely noticeable aqua green streaks on both sides of her head, she was pale, and remarkable blue eyes. She was wearing a striking blue dress that brings out her eyes. Her nails was were aqua green, the color of her tail. She was the third mermaid I've ever met. The way she spoke made me establish she isn't the last mermaid I'll ever see. With my legs still captured, I was furious.

"Huh!" She said circling me. "Daughter of Poseidon. Abnormal. Tell your daddy Nemra says hi." She says with a devious, sly smile.

"Wait a sec, Nemra? As in Nemra Pintoman?" I ask.

"Danzabs right for a change!" She says using the nickname I hate.

"Where's Nerissa?" I question steadily.

My temper is heating up, and my legs and hands feel like they are on fire.

"She left." Nemra says simply.

She gasps as I was turning red.

"The daughter of a god," She started.

"I'm not the daughter of a god!" I spat.

"The daughter of a god," She says ignoring me.

My legs were chili red, and I felt like I was as hot as the sun! She gasped when the weeds around my legs turned into ash. She backed away with her hand extended to warn me she's powerful. My hands are so hot, so hot maybe even the suns temperature! I put my hands by my side and then bent down to the grass. I pressed my palms to the grass and then lifted my hands. When I looked down, I was shocked! The grass was burnt. Then I tried to put a bush on fire. I blew on the bush, and felt heat soar through my body. My organs were like a rock, hard and sturdy. The bush burst into flames and I thought about Moses and the Burning Bush. Giggle.

Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now