Rejection (chapter 5)

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  • Dedicated to Mazal Jennifer Sion

"I'm going to fall! I'm going to fall!" I thought, then I thought "Why am I thinking this and not screaming?" then I scream, but not loud enough to actually be heard because I was still a little bit woozy from the fall by the pool.

Before I fall I see something dash. It grabs my wrist and throws me in the air, kind of what I do in cheerleading practice, but this time it wasn't intentional, and I didn't feel well. I feel like fainting but oddly I didn't.

 I went flying and closed my eyes, scared of what is going to happen next. I felt a thump, and I landed on or in something. I was almost too scared to check for myself. I opened my eyes, and my head was on someone's rock hard muscular chest. My heart pace raised up a bit. I sat there motionless in his arms with closed eyes. It's pretty comfortable, like I belong there. I needed to get over my fear! Besides, he seems smexy. I open my eyes bit by bit. I lean, and I see his face.... 

His eyes were Sky Blue, and he had angelic gold hair with matching tan skin. Sound familiar to anyone but me?  

I look straight into his. I gasp, he was Mason! I flash a flirty smile, I try to get out of his arms, but fail. He puts me down gently, and probably in the most sexy voice I've ever heard, he said "You okay?" he actually looked worried! I was too dazed to care about that, well, not really.... 

When he saw I was okay, he said teasingly and flirty: "You took quite a fall, but I think you'll make it!"

He flashed me a movie star dazzling smile! Now, I struggle to even stay still!

"I'm fine," I say  "now." I finish.

He heard the last part, but kept his face blank. He's good at this! 

I try to stand longer, but I start to wobble. He caught me and said "Maybe I should get Drew." He said the word Drew with disgust, but it wasn't really obvious. I look at him, and his face was scrunched up, but for only a moment.

"Or, I could c-" he starts.

"Carry me!" I finish ever so fast. "Yes, I feel pretty dizzy!" I say quickly.

"I was going to say call Alex, but if you want........" he flashed me one of his $1,000,000 smiles!  

Wow! For someone that just took two falls in ten minutes, I'm still fast to get what I want. He looks in a certain direction, and then I what he's doing. I heard something or someone. Could it be? Yes, it's Drew. 

Mason squinted his eyes as if he was reading something. I can't visualize what he is doing, but whatever. I don't think it'll be wise for Drew to see me in Mason's arms. He isn't like Cam, but he's nowhere near Eric! Instead of worrying, I finally realized that I'm in Mason's arms, score! Not bad for the 3rd time I've seen him. 

"Danzabelle, we can't be friends," he started, and I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"You're muscular." I say distracted.

"Well, you're pretty but that's beside the point," now he sounds distracted! "Where was I? Lost my train of thought!" he asked.

"That I'm really pretty," I say trying to jog his memory.

"Oh yes, besides the fact that you're really pretty, we can't be friends," he said with that yearning look again.

"You're a thousand out of ten on my list!" I blurt absent mindedly.

"You’re gorgeous!" he says.

"You’re hot." I say back.

"You’re Sexy" He says

"Want to Kiss?" I ask

You have no idea," he replies sexily, but when I went for his lips, even though he had that yearning look, he turned his face away and said "But I can't..."

Author's note: Again, sorry guys for the short chapter. But ouchhhh; rejection hurts bad! Doesn't it? What would you have done if you were in Danz's position? What would you want to of happened? Common guys, I need some suggestions! Please VOTE+COMMENT=Happy me!

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