Unrealization (chapter 2)

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  • Dedicated to Blaze Lane


We were together on a cruise. The waves were crashing on the shore so smoothly, it felt like it was pure magic. It just didn't seem real! Besides the waves, I was with the perfect guy. I felt like the guy I was with is a god! He was so perfect with his hair and his perfectionist eyes! We were supposed to go swimming, but I couldn't focus. How could I focus when there was a guy worth worshipping at my side? There I was, just me and this guy that is really no comparison to any other boy I've ever met. Yet, all he looks like he is focusing on me! Why so?....

"Danzie, sweetie? Come on." Drew said. I was in my living room on the couch. I guess I must’ve dozed off in the car, and Drew had to carry me. I'm hungry and tired. "I had the weirdest dream. I was on a cruise with my new neighbor and he was really-" I saw Drew's curious and partly jealous face expression and I finished by saying "ugly and weird!" 

The last thing I wanted was to get Drew jealous! It wasn't like I didn't love Drew, but it's just that I had a connection with Mason out there! It was almost like we knew each other before we even met! Weird.... 

Drew offered me some pizza, and I realized that I was really hungry. We ate together and talked, but I couldn't take my mind of Mason! We did have a connection, and I don't care how much I think about it, because although it may sound wack, it's true! I probably sound wackier than wack, but I don't care! 

After Drew and I ate, we watched a movie called: Just Go With It. Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston co-starring in a movie together has to be a pure genius movie! After the movie, we went to the park. The park is now, and officially probably going to always remind me of my experience with Mason because he lives right next to the park! How can I forget?


Was I insane or was I just bewildered? Why had Mason acted so oddly earlier? I mean, I don't blame Mason, but when you meet a new neighbor you don't just use all your strength (I hope that was all his strength, because if not, then he's really strong) on a poor defenseless moving truck!

Although it was kind of hot.... 

What am I thinking! What's wrong with me? Who am I anymore? Oh yes, I'm a crazed girl, with a obsession for a new neighbor that may possibly like me! Maybe I am, but maybe I'm not. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I'm way too defensive! Even if it's against myself!

I think I'm boy-crazy, perhaps Mason-crazy! I'm such a stalker girl! Sigh. But what am I to do about him? Life was never like this before, even with Cam, or Chandler or Benly and the other boyfriends I had, around! Yes, my life with boys kind of goes back.

Cam is my ex-boyfriend. The last memory that I have of Cam is when he was getting jealous of Drew and I being friends. He was acting like a jerk. Anyways, he got into a fight with Drew, and Eric, a friend, was helping Drew fight. Cam said something really, really rude! But not to worry, I showed him! Apparently he forgot that I was in my 3rd year of black belt in Tao Khan Doe!

I didn't bother to bring him flowers.... 


Drew and I go to the swings. We start swinging and my hair's blowing in the wind. Just the second I was getting ready to do a flip off of the swing, Mason comes out with wet hair wearing a bathing suit.... shirtless.  

Before I saw him, I flipped off my swing and did cartwheels, handsprings, splits, backbends, and such. Finally I was done with my routine, and hear something. I turn around and see Roland clapping. Then I see Mason. I was in utter shock. Why had Drew not told me Mason was there? Well, this is embarrassing! I don't know what to say. I brainstorm for ideas, but couldn't find a solution. Damn it!  

I clear my throat and take Drew's hand. I say "Good day." to Mason and Roland, and walk away. Mason looks after me with that longing look. Wow, serious case of Déjà vu!

Author's note: So do you think Danz did the right thing? What would you do? Would you even go to the park with Drew in the first place? What do you think of Mason, Drew, and Roland? Who do you like the best? Vote+Comment= Happy me!

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