Lake Plans (chapter 20)

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"I'm here! I'm here! Don't call the police!" I scream running into the kitchen to find Rob, Alex, Demetri and Lys playing the card game BS.

"Three." Alex says putting down a card.

"BS" Demi says.

"DEMETRI!" Alex says frustrated.

"Four." Lys says.

"BS." Rob says.

"Pick it up!" Lys says doing a little victory dance laughing at him.

"I! AM! HERE!" I yell loudly.

No one paid any attention to me.

Alright, desperate times call for desperate measures...I grab a glass plate and smash it against the tiled floor.

"Danzabelle! What on earth has happened?" I scold myself pretending to be mom.

Everyone pauses their game and stares at me. SO THAT  STOPPED THEIR GAME!

"What?" I ask. "Somebody had to do it! DON'T JUDGE!" I yell.

Demi raises an eyebrow. He is used to my insaneness by now.

"Good to know you all missed me!" I yell and turn, stomping up the stairs.

"Danz!" Lys calls upstairs. "Wanto to play BS?" Lys asks.

"Sure!" I say skipping downstairs smiling.


"Whoo-hoo-hoo!  I won! I won! Shake ma booty! Shake ma booty!" I scream really excited because I won all the four times we played together. Then I clear my throat and sit down awkwardly. This is what has been happening every time I won.

"So, Danz. Tomorrow at like 10AM I'm going to the lake with my cousins..." Lys says.

"WHICH cousins?" I ask sharply.

"Mason, Roland, Valerie, and a few more..." Lys says hesitantly.

"At least NOW you're honest!" I say curtly.

"Well geez, I didn't know you wanted to know or even cared who my cousins are!" Lys exclaims.

"Well, if it is my new neighbor or someone I know then YES! I want to know!" I exclaim back.

Lys rolls her eyes and says sarcastically, "It's good to know you are not one to hold a grudge!"

"It's your turn." Alex says to me.

How did I miss people's turns? Didn't even notice.

I put down a Queen and say "Eight."

"Nine." Rob says putting down his card.

"BS." I say addressing Rob.

Rob sigs and hits the table with his fist.

"Hey! It's not your fault I am an amazing player!" I say tucking a peice of my hair behind my ear.

"A player you are." Rob replies.

"HEY! Not nice!" I say hitting Rob's arm.

I turn back to Lys with a sweet smile on my face like I hadn't just hit Rob. "So?" I ask.

"I told you! The Sparks family is my fathers' brothers' children, aka MY COUSINS!

"Well, yeah. If you want to get all technical." I reply.


I roll my eyes.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me!" Lys scolds.

Just because she is seven months older than me, she thinks she is my MOTHER!

"Yes!" I blurt excitedly, unable to hold back my excitement.

"Yes what?" Lys asks bewildered.

I clear my throat and act as calm as I can.

"Yes; I'll go."

Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now