The Lake (chapter 22)

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"Mmmm," I say in my bed, stretching and flexing my muscles with my eyes closed.

"Morning Sammy," I say to Sammy.

Wait...Sammy wasn't in here last night.

I look at the door; WIDE OPEN!

Alex is casually leaning against the door post.

"Do you know how easy it is to pick a lock?" Alex asks fingering a bobby pin, twirling it between his index finger and thumb.

"Huh?" I ask looking very much like o.O

He just walks away mysteriously.

Cryptic-stalker-who-has-a-nice-haircut-and-who-is-16-and-also-happens-to-my-brother-and-likes-blueberry-pie-just-like-me-and-who-may-or-may-not-love-me much?

I get up and close the door dramatically and take a slow calming deep breath in.

Today I am going to see Mason...let's just hope he forgives me...and the other way around...


It’s 10:00AM, they should have picked me up by now!

Me: Where are you?

Lys: On our way. Forgive me?

Me: It’s okay

Lys: That’s not what I meant

Me: What do you mean?

Just then a large car pulls up to my driveway with one of Mason’s brother driving. Lys was in the front seat. I look in through the tinted window and there’s no room. Not even in the second row of the back. Lys looks at me apologetically.

"There is no room,” I state.

Someone in the second row of the back says to someone else, “Open the window.”

“No I hear someone mumble, who I recognized as the voice of Mason.

“But I just farted.” The person says.

“No.” Mason says sternly.

“That’s just cruel.” The person says.

"Life is cruel.” Mason replies, most probably meaning me.

I internally flinch but externally pretend I didn’t hear anything. I look back at Lys and shrug questionably.

“It gets worse,” Lys mutters, looking so guilty like she killed my mother.


Just then a black Porsche with tinted windows drives up to the curb. The window rolls down and I see the obnoxious, conceited, annoyingly sexy driver.

'THAT’S HOW!' I answer my thought.

I turn to Lys right away. “Is there room in the trunk?” I ask anxious.

“Gabriel is already in the trunk,” Lys says.

"I’ll squeeze in!” I say in panic.

“There’s not enough room.” Lys says.

'GREAT!' I think frustrated. J'UST GREAT!'...sarcasm.

I reluctantly roll my head to face him.

“Hayllooo babe.” The person says.

“Hello Roland.” I say bitterly, the sound of his name making my tongue dry.

>.< Roland POV >.<

“Get in.” I say leaning over to the other side of the door and opening the door for her.

Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now