Transporter (chapter 12)

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"I win!" I shout.

"Nuhuh!!!" Blaze says churlishly.

"Oh hush up!" I reply.

"Nope!" He says back.

"ADMIT I WON!!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

Someone on the pier started look around frantically at the water to find out where the source came from.

Blaze dunked me under the water, grabbing my legs when he did so... against my protest.

"Hey-" I say then swallow ocean water and gurgle.

EW! I shout in his mind. Even though I AM A MERMAID, I hate swallowing this stuff!

Soooo, Blaze says in my mind.

What's your power?  I ask.

Transporter, He says shrugging his shoulders.

OMG! THAT'S SO COOL!!!! I say in his mind.

Why don't you try?  He asks me.

I'm not that good... I say.

So why don't you try? It's worth a shot, He says.

 Okey dokey. Here goes nothing...  I say holding my breath out of nervousness.

Focus all your power on clearing your mind.  I nod. Then concentrate and picture where you want to go. And... I disappear. DANZ?!?!?!?!

I tap him behind him on his shoulder.

Damn, you ARE THAT good!  Blaze says.

Thanks! I say in his mind smiling.

When I was chasing you, you dematerialized. That’s different from transporting. Did you feel a difference? He asks.

Yeah, I was like there already there spiritually without actually being there physically for like a second.I was in nothingness! It was cool! I answer.

But you have to be careful; there can be many dangers when you dematerialize. If you dematerialize at the wrong place and time, someone can keep you trapped until they wish. You can also travel into a different dimension, and have visits from god! When you transport, you could lose a limb, organ, or any part of your body really. But once you’re trained, the dangers are really small. Blaze says.

Wow, look at you. Being all smart! I reply teasing Blaze.

He rolls his eyes.

So. Now what? He asks.

That's it; I'm not staying down here anymore.  I say transporting to the top taking advantage of my new power.

Show off, Blaze says.

IT'S ALL CLEAR!  I scream deliberately very loud and see Blaze flinch.

He swims to the top shaking his head. Once his head is above surface, I wave me hand hello at him. He waves back. I turn vampire and inhale and breathe out as I transform.

"Why is it so impressive that I'm learning new powers?" I ask Blaze.

"Because normally vampires can't learn any new powers, but you’re the daughter of Poseidon, a legend come true, you're full of surprises." Blaze replies.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Not in a bad way!" Blaze says.

"For your sake," I answer.

Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Where stories live. Discover now