Stranger (chapter 4)

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  • Dedicated to Lucinda Price

I was awoken to the sound of whispers. "It's not your life we're talking about, it's hers! When she wakes up, you better leave, and DON'T YOU DARE come this close to threatening her life again!" I hear Luyson whisper angrily.

The male voice I heard before said "Fine, but.... Just keep her safe." I knew he left, although I didn't hear him walking away. But why....

Wow, intense! But I think I should fake being unconscious a little longer. Luyson knows me too well though...

"You can stop pretending to sleep!" Lys says.

"How long have you noticed?" I ask.

"Just when my cousin left, you hear anything?" she asks.

"Only the sound of my heart pounding so loudly that I feel like I'm going to explode! What happened?" I answer and ask.

"You took a fall of the diving board! You're fine now." she says. Somehow, I knew something was fishy, and not because my lungs were just filled with water.

Luyson helped me up, and I saw a figure running towards me. "Danzie! Oh my god! Are you okay? Luyson's cousin called me and I wanted to know if you're okay! Let's get you ready to go home. Can you stand?" Drew asked worried.

"Yes, I'm fine thanks. Where's the nearest bathroom Lys?" I ask.

"Down the hallway, make two rights through the ballroom to the left, you know the one?" she asks. "Yes, the turquoise one." I reply.

"I'll be waiting by the 3rd dining hall, okay?" she asks

"Yes, thanks." I say and wobble to the bathroom. I remembered that there was a stair case . I always forget about it, but I just don't know where it is! Well, it must be around here somewhere. It's like a hunt looking for the staircase! I feel dizzy and lose my balance. I trip over something and guess what? I found the stair case....

Author's note: Hey guys! Sorry the chapter was so short, some chapters just seem better that way. Anyways; what do you think is going on? Who do you think the guy is? Maybe someone she knows??

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