Kidnapped (chapter 40)

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~Danz POV~

I breathe in the fresh air. This is so peaceful.

I jump up immediately. I feel someone's unwanted prescense.

"Hello?" I call.

No answer, just a rushed movement behind the yellow swirly slide.

"HELLO! I KNOW YOU'RE THERE!" I scream, my eyes glowing red.

Another movement from the mysterious figure.

I feel a tap behind me on my shoulder and turn around trying to punch the person in the face.

"Wow!" Blaze says, taking a quick step back dodging my knuckle.

"Oh my god Blaze! You scared me!" I exclaim, clutching my hand against my heart.

"Sorry," He says smiling. "So what areyou doing here alone at six PM?" Blaze asks.

"Broke up with Drew," I mumble shyly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Blaze says.

"It's okay, it's not like it's your fault," I say sighing.

"No, that's not why I'm sorry," Blaze says sheepishly.

"Then what are you sorry for?" I ask curiously.

"For this." Blaze says, catching m by surprise when he punhced me, knocking me out cold.


"Wha-whaaa?" I ask as I look up at my hands which were tightly stuck in silver cuffs above my head to a metal beam above me.

"Stay still, the more you struggle the more it'll tighten." Quinn says coming into view.

"Gee, I knew you hate me, but this much? Help me out here." I spit.

"Sorry, no can do." She says with a smirk. "You're too important to let out."

"You bitch!" I shout, trying to pull my hands out of the cuffs.

"I'm pretty sure I'm a mermaid." She says still smirking.

Just then, two people who'd I NEVER expect to walk in, walk in.


"Hello." Drew and Luyson says simultaneously to Quinn.

"D-drew?" I stutter. "Luyson?"

This has got tobe a dream. I squeeze my eyes shut and open them wide a bunch of times, but they are still there.

"What's going on?" I ask flat out.

"You'll see." Quinn says STILL smirking.

Then I black out.

I've got to stop doing this!


This time when I wake up I'm not in a dirty cell, I'm on a marble wall in a room with fancy red velvet curtains, and the walls and floor all marble, arms and legs cuffed  to the marble wall, spread far apart.

I lift my head and look up to see a man sitting on a throne with Quinn, Drew and Luyson standing next to him.

I feel like I have seen him before. A flare of anger spreads through me.

What has he done to my friends? Or Drew and Luyson anyways.

"Who are you?" I ask very angry.

"Oh my che'rie, you know exactly who I am." This person replies smoothly.


Normal is OVERRATED (Book I: OVERRATED series)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ